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Cherry Cake


It was the last day of our holiday which was sad. That morning we went to Captain Cook Memorial Museum and I thought it was pretty interesting and who doesn't want to explore the seven seas, there's even a replica of one of Captain Cook's ship the Endeavor on the harbor just outside the Co-Op opposite the Star Inn restaurant and the pub where I had my lunch in Whitby was also named after on of Captain Cook's ships.

Whilst we're on the east side of Whitby I took a photo of the shop where I bought one of my friends their birthday present because it's also where both me and my big sister bought a bag too but that was years ago. I went down to the amusements with my mum before having a cup of tea and surprisingly whilst I was in one of the amusements I kept winning more 2p coins. it was like I just turned my back and faced the other direction and then ten seconds later a small chunk of 2p coins fell out of the machine, I find this strange in a lucky way. Afterwards me and my mum went into a gift shop and bought my big sister and her boyfriend some clotted cream flavored fudge for them to share and I had a vanilla 99p whippy ice cream with chocolate toppings From AJ's again. The following day we headed for home and I couldn't wait to sleep in my own bed again as in the past the bed I've slept in the past the bed I've slept in the Endeavor cottage cottage has given me a bit of grief mainly hay fever because the quilt is a feathered quilt. I've been missing Whitby, but if I feel like reminiscing I'll look through my photos, re-read my blogs and read the chapters In Dracula where part of the story takes place in Whitby.

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