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Well in last night’s episode the Ghost Of Christmas Past looked worse for wear. The actor who played the Ghost of Christmas Past was Andy Serkin (well know for playing Gollum) and his singing voice was kinda bad. Scrooge prepared himself to attack the Ghost of Christmas Past. This Scrooge is one hard man to soften.

Finally Scrooge is on his bed but he's not asleep like he usually is in the book. Thankfully the Ghost of Christmas Past showed up and took Scrooge back in time to his own past. Who needs a Tardis when you got a ghost who can take you back in time.. The ghost took Scrooge back to his old school he attended, Kayvan Novak showed up as Ghost of Christmas Past Ali Baba guise which was an interesting twist, aged 11 Scrooge was all alone at the school during Christmas and mainly spends Christmas with the headmaster. Steven Knight got very creative with the school scene. Scrooge's sister finally came to take him home after their father left them. What kind of a father would make an arrangement with the headmaster for Scrooge to stay at school during Christmas?

I liked the factory scene as it paid homaged to when Charles Dickens's was a little boy as he was sent to work in a factory while his mother, father and his siblings were sent to prison until his fathers debts were paid.

The Ghost of Christmas Past showed could of happened if he married his love interest Elizabeth and fathered a son and a daughter with her but we all know that in the book he never marries.

Mrs Cratchit begged Scrooge to loan her family £30 to pay for Tiny Tim's operation to drain the fluid in his lungs and Bob's wages were cut so that he could pay his debts back which would take six years for him to pay off the debt. Mrs Cratchit was made to meet up with Scrooge at his private apartments on Christmas Day at 4pm.

I don't think Scrooge would listen to the Ghost of Christmas Past.

But will he listen to the Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmases Yet to Come?

Scrooge is still in the past as we saw Mrs Cratchit make her way to Scrooge’s apartments. What is Scrooge going to do with her? Mess with her? At least that’s what Mrs Cratchit thinks but it never happens and Scrooge gave her the money her family desperately needs for Tiny Tim’s operation. At least past Scrooge showed some bit of kindness and generosity. But he’s still a rock. The Ghost of Christmas Past left Scrooge waiting for the second ghost. How long is he going to wait now? Let alone how long will the Ghost of Christmas Present is going to take? So the Ghost of Christmas Present has finally showed up in the form of Scrooge’s sister. We get to see how happy the Cratchit family were at Christmas. With the absence of money they always survive not matter what. But at least Mrs Cratchit lied about some rich cousin in America but more importantly her visit to Scrooge. Do you know why? She sensed Scrooge’s presence. Bob Cratchit announced that he’s going to resign working for Scrooge as he was offered a new job. Families of the victims of one Scrooge’s mine collapses gathered for a Christmas memorial to remember their loses. Scrooge felt guilt and regret of what happened and that he was a bargain between his father and headmaster. OK the scary but most frightening ghost is on the way; the Ghost of Christmases Yet To Come. I expected a cloaked hooded figure but no, all we see was a man wearing black from head to toe with his mouth sown shut as he is unable to speak because the future remains uncertain. Bob Cratchit handed in his resignation but was informed of poor tiny Tim’s accident which would take his life. Scrooge realised that it would be him that would die in a not too far away future. Jacob showed up to give a final try but Scrooge refused to change and asked the spirits to spare Tim’s life which therefore Scrooge found redemption and finally learned his lesson. Scrooge announced to the Cratchit’s that he’s shutting his loan company down but Bob is still going to work at his new job, gave the Cratchit’s £500 and saved Tim from drowning. Not quite the ending I was expecting but it’ll do.

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