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Cherry Cake

Big Shot Ep. 10 Review

Final episode!!! Flashbacks of his daughter’s performance in Beth MacBeth flooded his head. Even whilst he’s asleep USCB had rung Marvyn and said that he’s going to be promoted to college basketball coach and Emma isn’t happy about it because she doesn’t want to leave the school, Lucas and her friends behind. Why do I have a feeling that Marvyn’s going to stay. Those girls need him. At the start of the series Marvyn couldn’t wait to leave the high school coach job. But throughout the course of this series I have seen some massive changes in Marvyn. He became a better father and a better because of those girls. All he’s going to do is start all over again if he’s going to accept the USCB job. Destiny really needs to hear her birth mothers side of the story. I mean Destiny had so many questions that needs answering. Her mother Angel told Destiny about her birth father and what really happened. And the good thing about that she forgave her mother. Angel did what she knew what was best for Destiny. Marvyn has a choice to make: USCB or stay. But Emma said she’ll go with her dad and attend a new school.

Marvyn turned down the USCB job as he realised that if its wrong for everyone then it’s wrong for him.

“Being a parent is about sacrifice. Sacrificing your own needs, your own desires, for the good of your child. It’s a lifetime commitment. And at the end you don’t win a trophy or get a banner or a shiny ring. No. The win, and it is worth any sacrifice, is raising a child who is caring enough, smart enough, who is compassionate enough, and who is loving enough to be a better echo of you. That’s what means to be a parent.”

Told you these girls changed him. What about Holly? Is she going to stay or go? I guess you can say Holly rather beat the Carlsbad coach than sign a contract. Time for the Sirens to show Carlsbad who rules the court. GO SIRENS!!! Anything can happen.

“You know, I’ve always been the shiny penny. Right? The guy in the spotlight who gets all the attention. And it felt good. But it feels better to be here. To be with all of you.”



What they achieved throughout is that they became more than just a team, they became a family.

“What started as a story of our quest to make history at Westbrook became a story it took to get there. We all had to give up things we cared about, but we got something much more valuable in return: a family.”

This has got to be one of the best Disney+ series I’ve ever watched. And I really enjoyed it as much as I enjoy watching Koruko’s Basketball.

“You know...It’s been a...It’s been a tough year, hasn’t it? For everybody. We’ve all come through something. We’ve all sacrificed something. But through the tough times, we survived, didn’t we? We survived. You know that saying, “Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”? Who’s feeling strong today?”

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