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Dances & Dreams On Diamond Street by Craig Revel Horwood book review

Chapter 1:

So far I thought that the book has gone off to a good start as we are introduced to some of the characters such as Danny, a choreographer who has moved into 27 diamond street after watching Field Of Dreams 0, Clive and Pete are characters I need to get to know more first but i think they are paranoid men and poets, Lachlan a Australian nurse who always keeps to himself and pays the rent on time. So far Danny has got funny tenants. But Danny dreamt of sharing a house with those who work in the entertainment industry and no paranoid poets and grumpy Aussie nurses. However he’s about to get more tenants as a woman named Catriona is asking about a room that she and her boyfriend Justin wanted to stay. Things will certainly brighten up soon I hope. Chapter 1 was short and sweet.

Chapter 2:

Cat and her boyfriend Justin are living with his parents and it seems that they're living the high life which made Cat's chances of finding what she's looking for very slim. Plus Justin is a bit like Narcissus, has a bit of sense of vanity. And doesn't believe in horoscopes too. Making their way to Diamond Street was a bit of a hassle as they witnessed a group of Japanese people taking photos and a blonde woman Justin was eyeing on. When that happened a bit of jealousy brewed in Cat and I can't blame her for that. Cat didn't mind that Diamond Street wasn't glamorous looking as the townhouses were in different states of decor and repair. But it doesn't hurt to see a building having character but Justin wasn't entirely sure and thought that when they arrived at 27 Diamond Street looked grotty. Judging before looking inside the building? That's jumping to conclusion. Cat and Justin have finally met Danny and it looks like they're making a good impression. Danny showed his them his room because the room that's up for rent is being redecorated and Cat thought it looked beautiful. Turned out that Justin loves the place which surprised Cat. Lachlan asked himself why did it come to this. We are introduced to two more characters named Jewel and Cynthia. Why did someone (probably related to Jewel) name a boy Jewel? My guess is that it's just a nickname he picked. Jewel is also looking for a room to live in. By heck how many rooms does this place have? Danny is going to have a busy day ahead of him.

Chapter 3:

Before Cat and Justin began moving in Danny noticed a fish like stench in the house and wanted to be rid of it. He recruited Lachlan into helping him by paying him in two cases of beer. That's typical of men. My question for and about the stench was how and why? Previous tenant Brenda O'Toole caused the stench because a couple of years before 1994 (as that was the choice of year this novel is set in) Danny and his dance crew from CATS had a BBQ and they needed wood, so they chopped and burned Brenda's cane. And since Brendan moved out, the stench moved in. And by the looks of things it's been getting worse every since. The musty and fishy stench was coming from the floor length velvet curtains. And in the hem of the curtains Danny found prawn shaped little grey, stinking lumps. His friend Trippy Lil saw Danny burning the curtains. I would of washed them instead of burning them. But at least the smell of tabacco will drown the smell of burning fish in the yard. But it's nice that Danny and Trippy Lil are having fun. On their way to an audition Cat began to feel uncertain about a part in the show she's auditioning for. Justin may get uptight before any audition but he should at least show Cat some moral support. Once they arrived the place was bursting with dancers at the seams. Even whilst they were at the audition Justin was eyeing on a brunette lady. I smell a Miss Piggy "Hi-Ya!" brewing inside Cat.

Audition went well for Justin as he got a call back but I'm not sure Cat was thrilled. But at least they got a chance to see Four Weddings And A Funeral. I felt sorry that Cat didn't get a call back. Jewel Brown works in wardrobe. Glad he felt exited for his first day of working on A West End show. Sounded like Jewel's day is going well. Chapter 2 & 3 were productive as we were introduced to more characters and what they're doing for a living as well as following their dreams.

Chapter 4:

Lachlan on his way back from his shift at Royal Free hospital and feeling his head pounding with his feet. Biy do I know that feeling. But the thought of having s coffee and going home to my mum and dad makes me feel alive. If he’s not religious then why is he saying a small prayer? Guess he wasn’t in the mood for any if his housemates being around or any craziness they might get upto. He just wants peace and quiet. Bht he won’t be getting that at all. Looks like Cat abd Justin have finslky moved un and they’re having a little dinner party to celebrate. Whilst the roast dinner was cooking and being served Lachlan explained that every full moon on a Friday it’s chaotic at the A&E. Finally Jewel has arrived just as they were about to tuck into their roast dinner. Danny sure knows how to cook up a dinner and Jewel loves the seventies feel kitchen decor. He seems to have thought that life at 27 Diamond Street is everything but boring. I got a feeling that innthis chapter everyone will get along with each other throughput this book.

Chapter 5:

Cat felt happy, not only because she was surrounded by new friends but she was finally out of Justin's parents house. Cat even thought that Jewel was a great name whilst Pete finally joined the party and recited one of his own poems:

"The man they named Juice

Is now on the loose.

In a white Bronco

Being driven oh so slow.

Bu the curse of the guilty

Is that they can never truly flee."

I don't know about you guys reading this blog or the characters but I think it's a nice poem. At first he was off but Lachlan is now relaxed after meeting his new housemates. The reason why Cat didn't get a call back was because of her weight. Times have changed now if you know what I mean. Even though there were tense moments but the dinner went well. Both Lachlan and Justin got an early night whilst the rest went into the living room for a bit more fun. Whilst dancing to a Bee Gees song Cat caught Danny watching her dance and she started blush. I smell an early spark of romance in the air. Told you Jewel is just a nickname. But for now I consider it as short for Julian. The reason why Jewel moved to London was because he fitted in with his parents, even after he came out to them. My thoughts about this chapter are for Jewel because when he arrived in London he knew that he felt that he belonged there. So it looks like a life in London will suit him well.

Chapter 6:

When Cat woke up on her first morning at 27 Diamond Street feeling disoriented and asking herself where is this and that? I know exactly how she's feeling because that's what I feel everytime I wake up in a strange house on holiday because once you fall asleep in a strange house you forget where you are and you start to think that you're at home sleeping in your own bed. And once you're fully awake you remember where you are. As Cat entered the kitchen to make herself and Justin a cup of tea she helped Lachlan with last night's dirty dishes. Cat has been getting way too annoyed with listening to Love Is All Around by Wet Wet Wet and thought the whole soulmate is just wishful thinking. Maybe it's because of Justin. To me it's a bit of a baffle. However Lachlan and Cat were getting along splendidly. That is until Justin entered the kitchen and surprisingly to Cat started showing her affection. We'll someone is in desperate need of bed company.

Chapter 7:

On his way to work Danny confirmed at the rental agency that 27 Diamond Street is fully occupied. And once he left he felt chuffed a bit because he was told that he can be head of the entire 27 Diamond Street house as well as also knowing that Cat will fit in brilliantly and having a strange sense from talking to Jewel. Cat had the time of her life at Camden Market after her morning activities with Justin. Justin doesn’t feel that he’s good enough to make i through the final Berlin audition. But whatever happens, happens. And it is also up to Justin to take the job. Cat reassured him that he’ll do great no matter happens. During a lunch break with Alice, Jewel and Alice played a game called “Spot the Tourist Most Likely to be Mugged.” Looks they’re getting along really well.

Chapter 8

Danny made his way to rehearsals as he felt determined to have a good day and not let Johannes get to him. but he heard someone crying in the girls toilets and decided to check it out. Turns out his friend Terri is upset about something and it's definitely has something to do with Johannes not believing her performance. Danny could not help but agreeing on what Johannes is doing to Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet and I could say the same for myself. How is Danny going to save the show and the dancers insanity? A bit of Danny's history: his dad didn't take in the fact that his son is gay very well. So Danny ended up joining a french circus called Cirque de la Lune and learned tarot card reading from a gypsy called Colette. and when he left to do a show at the Moulin Rouge, Colette gave Danny a deck of tarot cards. Johannes came bursting in, shouting and complaining about the dancers. But Danny had an idea: changing the theme from animals to the characters from his tarot cards. All Johannes could do is give Danny's solution a try and call it his own. Lachlan's been asleep for seven hours? Well that's what happens when you're working shift in A&E and that's going to cause him some sluggishness. Plus he hates working shifts. Lachlan made his way to the kitchen and found Cat cooking a king prawn curry. He could of sworn he saw her blush. He must be hungry as the smell of frying onion filled the room. Lachlan and Cat are getting to know one another as they've been drinking whilst Cat is cooking. But then Justin phoned. He really must have something important to say to Cat. Justin didn't come home for dinner and Cat thought that all of the cooking was a waste of time as she looked at the pile of vegetables. Turns out that Justin phoned Cat to tell her that he's got a part in a show and he's out celebrating. If I was him I'd go home and celebrate with Cat. However Lachlan, Lil and Danny decided that they'd eat the curry. Better than throwing good food away.

Chapter 9

The curry went down a treat with Danny, Lil and Lachlan as they all felt happy and animated. Cat looked on and smiled at her new housemates or family as Lil would of put it as she sat at the head of the table. Happy to know that Cat felt better than when Justin phoned to tell her that he got the Berlin job. Cat joining in the celebrations with Justin and his new cast mates would of made her feel a million times worse. If it weren't for Lachlan, Lil and Danny, Cat's evening would of been of been torn to pieces. Danny, Lil, Lachlan, Jewel, Pete and Cat are becoming close friends faster than I thought. 10pm and Justin hasn't come home yet and Cat thought "Screw him" as Danny, Lil, Lachlan, Jewel and Cat decided to go out for drinks at a taverna called the Lemon Tree. After the situation with Justin, Cat really needs a night out. Life on Diamond Street are certainly looking up. Times are definitely a-changing in 1994. And I should know I was born and lived throughout the 90's. Whilst everyone was getting ready to go out Danny decided that it was time to get out there and find someone. I think I like Cat because when Justin's around she can be a bit timid. But when Justin isn't around she's having fun with her housemates and becomes a free-spirited woman. Jewel couldn't believe that he was having a great day. Curry and a night out with his friends surpassed his expectations. Stelios, the owner of the Lemon Tree taverna greeted Danny, Lil, Lachlan, Cat and Jewel with open arms. Cat and Jewel the place and the Greek decor. Lil and Jewel thought that Justin is a total bellend and that was exactly what I thought. As they watched Danny and Cat dance Lachlan, Jewel and Lil thought they were really good dancers. Lachlan couldn't keep his gaze off Cat.

Chapter 10

When returning home with Danny, Lil and Jewel it brought back memories of Cat when she was a teen when she would sneak back home drunk in the early hours of the morning. Only to realize that Pete's two floors up above her room, however she was likely to wake up Lachlan and Justin (if he's already home). but once she entered her room at 3:30am she stumbled over something and crashed into the chest of drawers, waking Justin in the process. Surprisingly he was tender towards Cat. He also have good news to tell Cat but she barley heard what he said as she fell drunkingly asleep. The good news was that Justin wanted Cat to go to Berlin with him. Justin thinks that their housemates are weird but Cat doesn't agree with him. she better not go to Berlin with Justin. But she was a bit hungover and decided to take a shower and make a cup of strong coffee. With the sight of the curry from the night before Cat felt a bit sick and joined Lachlan in the backyard and he apologized for the night before. Cat forgave him and explained to him about Justin wanting Cat to go to Berlin with him. What does she really want? Or is Justin's Berlin dream hers too? Kachlan said to Cat a saying from Australia:

"Those who lose dreaming are lost."

After having a brief conversation with Cat he thought to himself that Cat must think he's a crazy man. Now why would he think that? Also that morning Jewel felt that he was part of something that he actually belong to. And that's a good of him. At least he's enjoying breakfast in the kitchen with Lil and they're fast becoming besties. After Cat's weird talk with Lachlan she felt the compulsion to wander on her own in Covent Garden, so that she can process her thoughts. Danny planned to spend the day nursing his hangover with bacon sandwiches and cups of coffee in bed. But he never had any luck and Johannes is the reason. Johannes called an emergency rehearsal. Really? Johannes should of known that Danny's got a hangover. It's going to make him tired. Johannes should let Danny have some fun. After seeing Swan Lake, Cat dreams of being a dancer reignited her passion. Lachlan was 100% right, without her dancing dreams Cat would be lost. She feels alive when dancing. Turns out that London is where she wants to be in, not Berlin and watching Justin from the wings.

Chapter 11

Jewel certainly knows how to give donated charity clothes a new lease of life. Just as Jewelmgot on with his sewing Danny walked into the kitchen exhausted carrying boxes of takeaway food. He was curious to know what Jewel was doing with a jacket. Danny explained to Jewel why he didn't want to spend his day off at an emergency rehearsal that Johannes organized. Jewel thought that living on Diamond Street is really nice because he was living with people who don't judge him. Cat arrived home and joined the party by telling Jewel and Danny about her day and seeing Swan Lake. But when Cat asked if Justin was home she went up to their room to talk to him. Good luck for that. She did somehow summond the courage to go up and tell Justin that she doesn't want to go to Berlin. But when a steely determination brewed inside her she blurted it all out. When Justin asked Cat if she thought of calling it quits on her dream. She would never call quits on her dream. Not by a long shot. They did get into an argument about Cat trying a change of direction in her career life.But on her way out of the house she bumped into Danny and he figured that things between Cat and Justin didn't go well and offered Cat to join him and Jewel on a night out. After Jewel gave Cat a fab-u-lous makeover she was ready to dance the night away and the tension she felt eased away.

Chapter 12

As they danced the night away Danny thought to himself "To hell with Johannes. To hell with my ex, Gabriel. To hell with everyone." He certainly shook away the anger in him. And just like him Cat was completely lost in the music. And as a bonus Danny locked eyes with a blond, blue-eyed, thin and wiry man! Jewel was about to leave, that is until Cat grabbed hold of him and danced with him. All three of them are certainly having a good time. After three whole hours of letting off some steam, big time! Cat and Jewel left the gay club they went to. And Danny has already took off with the mystery blond-haired man. Cat thinks Jewel is doing brilliantly, coming out to his parents as a teenager and making a new start in London took real guts. And if he needed to talk about anything, Cat is here for him when he needs it because as Lil puts it they're family.

Chapter 13

Seven weeks later and “Love Is All Around” by Wet Wet Wet is still no. 1 in the charts and it’s pretty much annoying Danny even though he didn’t get much a wink of sleep the night before because he was nervous about the press night of Romeo & Juliet that took place that night. It’s obvious that he’s nervous that the show will flush down the toilet. Cat and Jewel reassured him that the preview night was amazing. After Li joined everyone in the kitchen Lachlan walked in after a night shift in A&E. He’s well and truly exhausted. I think he might be overdoing it on the work front. Everyone apart from Cat left for work. Cat was looking for a job, as Justin left for Berlin to do that dancing job there. I hope it’s permanent. Lachlan suggested that Cat should get a job at the Lemon Tree. I hope she gets the job and work nights. Cat wasn’t sure that applying for a job at the Lemon Tree was a good idea. On one hand it felt depressing applying for something that had nothing to do with dancing to her. But on the other hand now that Justin is gone having money coming in would help pay the rent. As she entered the Lemon Tree she noticed the barman that Danny has a crush on. As Achilles (the barman that Danny had a crush on) made Cat a cup of coffee she felt that he might be seducing her. I think Cat might be attractive to him. After what seemed like to be a job interview he suggested a trial shift. She accepted to return for her trial shift. Meanwhile everyone that has worked on Romeo & Juliet are nervous about the press night. Jewel designed the costume for the part of Juliet based on the queen of cups tarot card. Danny felt able to breathe relief again, but not wanting to temp fate. The show didn’t go badly at all. No one messed it up. After the cast thanked the orchestra and conductor they thanked Johannes for the choreography. Johannes is one egotistical maniac. That is until Terri as Juliet decided that Danny deserves to share the same spotlight which made Johannes kind of green with envy. As Danny drank the applause, it gave him a snapshot of his possible future. One day it would be him standing on a stage basking in on the success of his own show, I hope. Also he let anything deter him.

Chapter 14

Jewel loved living in the capital and since he’s been living here for the past three months the thrill is still there. The play has been going on for a couple of week, Jewel finally began to conquer his nerves that has been overwhelming him. He’s getting better with helping each performer with their quick changes. Jewel bought the evening standard newspaper as there’s a review of Danny‘s show. The headline wrote “Success On The Cards.” And the revJew read:

“When I heard that legendary choreographer Johannes Schmidt had decided to interpret Romeo & Juliet vis medium of farmyard animals I have to admit I shuddered. Could it be that the great man had finally taken his desire to shock a step too far? I was therefore pleasantly surprised to discover that somewhere along the line he had a change of heart. Romeo & Juliet seen through the prism of a tarot deck was, to my mind, an inspired decision. The question I am left with though is, was it his decision? At the end of the preview leading lady Terri Grant made a very telling and improvised tribute to Danny Hall, the assistant choreographer, thanking him for his support and I quote “his incredible vision.” Danny Hall has recently made the transition from acclaimed dancer in shows such as CATS, Hairspray and Les Miserablés into the world of choreography. A move many attempt but few succeeded in. If my hunch is correct, I would say Hall is a choreographer to watch. All in Romeo & Juliet is a moving and powerful performance and visually spectacular.”

That is one great review and Jewel felt relieved to of read it. His joyful feeling was short lived when a couple of men in suits walked past him and called Jewel names. Danny couldn’t believe his eyes that the stuck-up toad critic Blatchington-Smythe had given the show a glowing review as well as a glowing review for Danny. He felt overwhelmed with happiness. He deserves to celebrate this momentous occasion. Danny arranged a lunch date with his agent Johnny after Johnny phoned to praise his client. Lil is also proud of Danny. Lil did notice that when Danny first moved in he was suffering from a broken heart and told him that in an occasion such as this he deserves to celebrate. Ca’s trial shift went well that Achilles offered her the job. As soon as Cat arrived home carrying food courtesy of Stelios she felt tired, exhausted and wondered what Danny, Lil, Jewel, Lachlan and Pete are celebrating when she heard laughter and Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” coming from the kitchen. It was to do with the Romeo & Juliet review. Cat smiled but felt a stab of remorse inside her. Danny forgot that Pete was in the room that it made Danny clutch his chest and Jewel wanted to hear Pete’s new poem:

“Into my darkness

you cast your sodium light

A dog cocks his leg and pisses on you.”

Danny thought that little poem was great. But the review obscured his normal cyncism. I also think that Pete’s little poem was great. Sensing Cat‘s deep gloom reassured her that something will come up and not to worry. But tears filled her eyes. I’m with Lachlan in this chapter as he’s very supportive and sympathetic towards her. I still sense that their could be something between them.

Chapter 15

No one took notice of Cat’s teary exit. But Lachlan did and didn’t know what to do. Crying women was out of his comfort zone. He never knows what to do or say. But thought that he must do something. And seeing Cat so unhappy caused him to feel physical discomfort and tried hard nit to think about what it might mean. Lachlan checked the toilet where Cat said she was going. But it was empty. And who could blame her. He also checked the upstairs bathroom too but that was also empty too. As he stood on the landing he looked at Cats door and that it might be weird if he knocked and invade her privacy. But when the door opened Cat surprise to see Lachlan standing outside her room. In the spur of the moment he asked Cat if she had any camomile tea. Surely she must think he’s lying to her. He turned to go but stopped in his track and asked if she’s feeling ok. Of course she’s not ok. When he asked her if there’s anything he can do she shook her head and explained to him how it really hit her when everyone’s talking about Danny‘s review and how her life could of been. And how she wanted to dance for a living instead of pouring pints and remembering drink orders. But she is grateful to have a job. Then Lachlan had an idea. The idea came from when his brother Bruce took him out in his car and told Lachlan to start yelling. So they got into his car, Lachlan cranked up the stereo volume after putting a Guns N’ Roses CD. As Welcome To The Jungle plays Lachlan gave a good yell and Cat yelled too. They kept yelling louder and louder. Driving faster and faster. Cat no longer felt pathetic, weak and a victim. The sound of her voice made her feel powerful. If you feel angry or negative feeling it doesn’t hurt to have a good yell. As long as it’s somewhere quiet and you playing loud heavy metal or rock music to drown anyone hearing you yell. Yelling has done the trick as Lachlan looked at Cat and it seemed to him that she looked great. They went into a cafe that Lachlan discovered a few months ago during his late night drives. It’s a cafe that’s open at extreme late hours. Lachlan explained to Cat about why he asked for camomile tea and she thanked for the yelling therapy. They’re soo getting close. And I think. That yelling seems like a good tip.

Chapter 16

How could Jewel think London would be so different to back home? Their were going to be hateful people everywhere no matter where Jewel is. But as soon as he arrived at work and saw Alice he didn’t want to tell her or anyone what had happened. Looks like Danny a fun night with his blond-haired toy boy named Neil. He doesn’t remember how he ended up in bed with him. But through his hangover fog the events of the night before materialised:

  • The review

  • Partying with his housemates

  • Neil ringing at an ungodly hour asking if he can come over

And the rest is history. Since going to Heaven the month before he was looking for a fling but ended seeing Neil every week. Danny believes that when Neil asked him if he fancies doing something on a Saturday in a intensely annoying cooey gooey voice you use to talk to toddlers is straying in relationship territory. But Neil wasn’t taking any notice. I think Danny feels uncomfortable around Neil, thinks that he’s starting all over. But with Neil instead of Gabriel. Feeling uncomfortable when you begin to start moving on with your life is normal. But Danny is still recovering from a broken heart caused by Gabriel. But you never know he might try and do things slowly this time round. Lachlan dreamt that he was in his brothers Bruce’s car. But for now Bruce can only exist in his dreams. Instead Cat was at the steering wheel and they were both singing. But he heard another woman’s voice whispering behind him. He thought the voice he heard belonged to his friend Michell, the voice belonged to Lil. He thought that Lil was in bed with him. Thankfully her voice was coming from the other side of his bedroom door. It has been six hours since he and Cat got home when he looked at the clock showing him 11am. He must have overslept. Lil explained to Lachlan that they’re painting the kitchen purple and everyone’s helping. For Cat nothing has changed as she still worked behind the bar and no dancing job, romantic life still a disaster and no guarantee that she would dance professionally again. But she felt a strange lightness. I wonder why, maybe Lachlan could be the reason. Lachlan was a good listener as hung onto every word Cat said and took it all in. She saw this as a positive outlook.

Chapter 17

What a bizarre way of spending a Saturday at a DIY shop. To my dad it would be a fun day out. Danny thought had always been his idea of hell. I agree with Danny as I don’t like DIY stores. There’s a whole world to explore out there people! Lil decided on the colour Purple Reign as it reminded her of The Artist Formerly Known As Prince. After hours of painting the kitchen purple the room looked amazing. Strangely Cat thought it was fun to paint the kitchen purple even when she’s around. After making herself and Lachlan each a cup of camomile tea they went into the garden and talked and talked. Memories of Lachlan’s childhood kept flooding back to him. And Cat reminded him of himself when he was a boy and his dad telling him stories about each constellations in the night sky and how he felt back then. Lachlan was happy about another thing he liked about Cat: the way she seemed happy to let him be.

Chapter 18

Danny met his agent Johnny and since that Romeo & Juliet performance a few gigs have been ringing Johnny asking for Danny. Most of the. Are assistant choreographer jobs. One of them is to do with Rocky Horror Show. Brilliant musical it is. And I should know I saw it back in November 2016 at Leeds Grand Theatre. After meeting Johnny, Danny bumped into a girl handing out leaflets campaigning against the closure of the White Lion Inn pub where Danny once worked. Not as a barman but in a production of Dr. Faustus as the pub is also a theatre. One day Jewel was wondering if he’s truly happy with everything since that experience he had after reading the Romeo & Juliet review. No one should hassle Jewel about the way they look. I never do that to my friends as I never ask why they dressed like that at all. Those who hassle are idiots. Jewel thought being in London would be different. But there will be people threatening people who dared to be different. But we should never let them get to you seriously. Jewel explained his hassle to Alice at work and then again to Danny as soon as he got home from work. Both Danny and Alice are really good friends of Jewel and will always be there for him when he needs it. They both understood what Jewel is feeling as they went through the same thing. Even Danny was bullied at school and boy do I know what it’s liked to be bullied because I myself was bullied throughout high school.

Chapter 19

Cat has certainly got herself back on the audition circuit. On the good side of it she got to see a lot of sights in London. Her next audition is for a music video. And the audition is taking place in a studio on an industrial estate in deepest, darkest East London. So her main priority is making it out alive and not get mugged. Her new found confidence was thinning, haven’t been offered a dancing job and fitting her auditions around her evening job at the Lemon Tree. But to make things worse Justin called. The show he was in was going really well in Berlin, so he was the happy and full-of-life that Cat met and fell in love with and he was genuinely interested in hearing how Cat was doing. I hope she passes the audition. Not only the rehearsals have started but Danny’s got a job as a director/choreographer for a panto “Cinderella” but that job is for saving the White Lion Inn. And it started to hit him. Lil hates Cinderella. Who in the world would hate Cinderella? But she did have a point on Cinderella waiting around for man to save her. We all know fairytales are getting a modern retelling. But as soon as Lil mentioned that the story needs re-writing ideas came flooding into his head. Something edgy, funnier and more relevant. Asking Jewel to make the costumes will definitely be a great idea. As soon as Lachlan came into the kitchen he joined the discussion. But when the sound of the front door and a bag being dumped on the floor they all looked at Cat’s shining and glowing face and she told them that she got the dancing job. I knew she’d get the job. This calls for a celebration!!!

Chapter 20

Lachlan couldn’t believe how Cat looked amazing and so happy. For a few weeks Cat has been going to a few auditions and Lachlan has been keeping her spirits up whenever they crossed paths in the house. Sounds like he’s more supportive than Justin. Cat did notice the piece of paper with “Cinderella” written on it. Danny explained that he’s directing the panto but Lachlan didn’t want to hear anymore about it. I was surprised to discover that Lil knew David Bowie!!! But how? But let’s not worry about that now. After hearing about the music video job Danny offered Cat to audition for the part of Cinderella and she agreed to do it. Cat thought that her happiest day would be worse if she got mugged or murdered. As soon as Jewel arrived home he heard Cat’s laughter and knew Cat must be happy because she had an audition. He also noticed that his housemates were also helping Danny brainstorm ideas for “Cinderella.” And he thought that it’s an amazing thing to do and Danny wanted Jewel to be the costume/wardrobe master. As soon as Danny, Lil and Jewel left the kitchen and gone to bed Cat and Lachlan were alone. What are they doing? Are they secretly trying to get Lachlan and Cat together but they’re unaware that they’re actually doing that? Cat had noticed Lachlan smile. Every time when they’re together they make each other smile. Things have seriously heated up as Lachlan and Cat snogged each other. Until he mentioned Michelle’s name. And just as Lachlan was about to explain himself to Cat he was saved by Pete crashing the door open and left with a pork pie and mayonnaise. After Lachlan hurried out of the room Cat felt numb with confusion. Lachlan has some serious explaining to do.

Chapter 21

Danny and Jewel must of spent hours looking at fabric swatches and magazine cutouts that they’ve forgotten to eat. And since there’s nothing in the fridge other than an empty tub of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter they’re going to the Lemon Tree. I hope Cat serves them up good. Once they arrived Stelios greeted Danny and Jewel the usual way. Cat was relieved to see them. Stelios allowed Cat to have a break and she joined them. They both did actually notice that Cat has been crying. Cat explained what happened while she and Lachlan were kissing and both Danny and Jewel couldn’t believe what they were hearing. I hope thing will sort out between Cat and Lachlan. Lachlan waited in the kitchen for Cat to return p. However it wasn’t Cat who arrived was Justin. But as soon as Danny, Jewel and Cat arrived home Cat was surprised to see Justin. As soon as everyone went to bed Cat and Justin were alone. Cat explained to Justin about her job at the Lemon Tree and the music video dancing job as well as Danny’s Cinderella pantomime. Turns out Berlin wasn’t going well as Justin was’t truthful about it because he’s been so miserable without Cat. So he decided to return to London to be with Cat. The tables have really turned in this chapter.

Chapter 22

Two weeks since Danny asked Jewel to do the costumes the living room has been turned into a wardrobe department. Danny didn’t pay attention to Jewel’s question about meeting someone outside a club. He maybe helping with the sewing but Danny should pay attention when being spoken to. But once Danny got the message he decided to hold a small soirée for Jewel so that he can his own Prince Charming. Since Justin‘s surprise return Cat felt the space was shrinking. Thankfully as soon as Cat went down into the kitchen to make a cup of tea Lachlan wasn’t around. But Jewel cane in wearing a pair of Care Bear PJ’s and asked Cat to be his moral support at the party. Cat already had plans but decided to scrap them. I hope Justin will be alright with that. plus she didn’t want to see Justin’s parents. And guess who entered the kitchen as the kettle came to a boil? You’ve guessed it, Lachlan came in but ignored Cat. Well two can play at that game because Cat left the kitchen with two cups of tea. One for Justin and one for Cat. Jewel already knew about what happened with that kiss between Cat & Lachlan. He thought that he must do something to help both of them that he also asked Lachlan to be his wingman at Danny’s party and Lachlan agreed to do it. Lachlan doesn’t know that Cat will be there. That’s going to be a disaster.

Chapter 23

Lachlan is at it again by playing loud music at full blast. This time he listened to “Shakermaker” & “Live Forever” by Oasis with his headphones on. Seriously he’s going to go deaf at this rate. The lyrics to “Live Forever” made him think of Cat. But as soon as he heard Danny’s friends arrive at the house for the party all Lachlan wanted to do is stay cocooned in his room. But he can’t as he's Jewel‘s wingman. Danny has been so focused on throwing this shindig for Jewel that his excitement is growing and growing. Danny really needed to blow off steam from starting a new job on Rocky Horror and organising a panto. He really has a workload. He deserves to let his hair down. Danny spotted Jewel talking to a man named Darius. Jewel really must overcome his shyness. Danny invited Terri to the party. Terri is already in a relationship but she’s a value at parties. Danny was shocked to hear from her that Johannes is doing The Nutcracker and wants to use actual mice on stage. OMG! Is Johannes for real? Lil has been making her “special cookies.” Lachlan ate a cookie whole and well let’s say he’ll find out what is Lil’s “special ingredient.” Ever since Cat joined Jewel and Darius in the backyard Darius had enlightened them about his dancing talent. But as they “escaped” and left Darius, Jewel and Cat we’re walking into the kitchen and Cat spotted Lachlan. Things are about to get complicated. In order to leave Lachlan alone Jewel excused him for what I feel is going to be a long while. Cat felt a pong of guilt after answering Lachlan’s question about the whereabouts of Justin. But her guilt was swiftly changed to anger. Lachlan answered Cat’s “How’s Michelle?” question by saying that she’s dead? OMG! I feel so sorry for Lachlan and I didn’t see that answer coming. Lachlan explained that Michelle was his very first girlfriend and they were a couple right up to the time of Michelle’s sudden tragic death. Cat thought he was seeing someone else. She felt horrible for treating him badly since they kissed. Maybe it was Lidl’s cookies but I swear Lachlan getting teary. So Cat took him to his room.

Chapter 24

Just in make sure everything's going according to Jewel's plan he peered cautiously out of the back door into the yard wondering if Cat and Lachlan were still there or if either of stormed off in a huff. He was relieved thagethert they were still there and sitting down together. A fantastic development in the process. But when he saw Cat standing up he sighed and thought how could he have forced together would be a good thing. But when he saw Lachlan also standing up too he began to think that they're both going to leave in a huff or going or going somewhere together. He felt the skin on his bones prickle with excitement and thought to himself "please, let them be going somewhere together." They are going somewhere together, up and down Lachlan's room. To Jewel Cat looked relaxed but Lachlan was completely expressionless. He watched them go through the kitchen and out into the hallway. But before Jewel could figure out what they're doing Terri tapped him on the shoulder and introduced him to Pablo, a black haired young man with piercing green eyes. Danny did tell Terri that the party is Jewel's coming out party and I hope he made her promise not tell any of her single gay friends about what type of party it is. All they did was talk about each other and Romeo & Juliet Jewel's face blushed redder and redder. Other than thinking a ridicule thought Pablo thought that Jewel lives in a cool house with a thankful admiration smile. Jewel felt a wave of happiness rush through him as he watched Pablo danced a flamenco to a song by the Gypsy Kings. Once everyone joined in Jewel didn't care if he looked stupid. That day was going down as one of Jewel's best days of his life. As he locked eyes with Pablo he felt a shiver of excitement course through his skin. Danny loved the fact that Jewel is loosening up and dancing. Danny and Terri agreed that Pablo was just the person to bring Jewel out of his shell and I also agree with them as well. Time for Danny to relax and let his hair down. Danny also did agree on Jewel's bringing Cat and Lachlan together at the party. But they were nowhere to be seen. Danny thought that the plan was ripe for a potential disaster. Doesn't he know that Cat has taken Lachlan to his room?

Chapter 25

What? Out of all of the room’s Cat’s been in she never set foot in Lachlan’s room? However she has no desire to enter Pete’s room. I cant imagine what Pete’s room might look like. Cat felt she looked through distorted lens and not realising that Lachlan wasn’t seeing anyone. And hasn’t kissed another girl since his ex’s Michelle’s death. After eating some of Lil’s “cookies” Lachlan was spaced out. Cat glanced around the room and took in everything she saw. Even the Standard newspaper with the rooms to rent circled in red and thought that Lachlan might be moving out. She might as well ask and he thought that it might be for the best. Why would he think that? And why would he think things got too awkward and painful? The contents of Lil’s “cookies” and punch took affect on Lachlan. Cat was unsure what to do with lachlan strange behaviour and thought that he might of never processed the grief over Michelle’s death properly. But I think be might be reacting to Lil’s “cookies” and punch. Lachlan has gone high as a kite. They’re building a bridge between them. Lil’s punch and cookies were spiked. Thats what I thought all this time. In order to help Lachlan clear his drugged up head Cat took him to Primrose Hill for some air. Cat expressed herself about how she messed everything up. But as things got steamy again and Cat might of possibly ate one of Lil’s “cookies” Lachlan kissed her. Back at the house Danny certainly had so much fun that he ended up in a bath tub full of cider. But as he laid in the tub of cider he was shocked to see Achilles at the party. Meanwhile as they kissed Cat realised that Achilles and Stelios were coming to the party and she’s not there. But more importantly what if Justin is already home? But I think right now we shouldn’t worry about that because Lachlan mentioned the cause of Michelle’s death was death by drowning cause by a held-down wave pulling her down to the seabed and pinning her there whilst surfing. Lachlan blames himself for causing Michelle’s death. He shouldn’t blame himself for that. It was an accident. And it’s no ones fault.

Chapter 26

Jewel felt nervous as he followed Pablo into the backyard because he thought Darius would still be there. Thank the stars that he’s gone and Pete was the only person in the backyard sitting hunched over on a chair in a corner, writing in his notebook. Another poem I hope. Pablo compared Jewel’s housemates to his housemates as he thought that all of Jewel’s housemates are interesting. If you lived at 27 Diamond Street you’d feel lucky to have interesting housemates. Pablo hardly sees his housemates and they don’t talk to each other. Pablo works nights, sleeps during the day and his housemates work in offices. That explains why he doesn’t see them and they don’t talk to each other. Pablo worked theatre hours which is certainly a tick in the relationship box. Jewel and Pablo really like each other. This is so exciting! Jewel is so lost in the moment. Cupid‘s certainly worked his magic on Jewel. Cupid should get cracking with Danny, and Lachlan and Cat is currently in process. Cat has loads of questions as to why Michelle died because of Lachlan. Before Michelle took her surf board, she and Lachlan had an argument and despite both he and Michelle already knew that there was an undercurrent causing the sea to be too dangerous to surf. Lachlan wouldn’t of let her return to the water. When Cat asked him if it would help him him to talk about it and Lachlan said it wouldn’t. Why would he he think that? Talking about it would help ease his pain. Cat knows that she doesn’t know Lachlan, doesn’t know what happened that day as she wasn’t there. But she knows that ever since they met he has been so lovely. Even when she’s feeling down about work he has been supporting her. Especially with the yelling therapy. Lachlan has been helping her and Cat thought he was brilliant. As they lie on the grass together Cat’s words whispered in his head as he took deep breaths “It’s not your fault. She knew it was dangerous too.” Can they be true?

Chapter 27

It’s close to midnight and Danny is looking at the devastation of both the kitckitchen aand livliving room. It may look like a crime scene but the only crime was everyone had a good time. No handcuffs needed. Most of the party guests apart from Darius have gone home. When Justin got home he wondered where Cat was. But when he heard Cat arrived home he wasn’t too pleased to see her with Lachlan. Cat explained to Justin that she took Lachlan out for fresh air. I think he’s going to find out that Cat and Lachlan have been kissing each other sooner or later. There was silence when Cat and Justin in bed together. Justin explained why he was late home was because his mother thinks she might have breast cancer. When Justin got the Berlin job Cat felt that her world was shrinking into nothing. But whilst Justin was away it broadened her life in ways I can never imagine. She got closer to her housemates, got a job at the Lemon Tree and the music video job. Cat shouldn’t waste her life being in Justin’s shadow. She should find her ow spotlight. Meanwhile Lachlan himself was lying in bed thinking that being confronted by Justin as soon as they arrived home and the hatred for him grew every time he sees him. And the more he got to know Cat the more he couldn’t understand what kind of girl like Cat is doing with a guy like Justin. I myself still can’t understand why she’s wit’s Justin. Surely she can do better. He was so confused and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter 28

Jewel gasped and took in all of the aftermath of the party. Looks like Pablo stayed overnight in Jewels bed. As he was making a cup of tea he heard a very loud knock at the door. He thought it was Lachlan coming home from his late night shift or the postman. But instead he was greeted by a woman called Denise, a heavily made up woman wearing a bright red business suit from ‘We Let, You Get.” She was there to do a routine inspection of 27 Diamond Street. Everyone’s going to be on panic mode for this as the house looked liked it was hit by a bomb. As Denise inspected the place she took notice that they had a party and the house is a mess. I can tell that the inspection may not go down well. Danny woke to the round of pounding on the door. Or his head. He looked at the clock and saw that he was late for the Rocky Horror Show rehearsal. But as soon as Danny met Denise he was confused as to why does she know him. When Denise inspected Danny’s room it got an approval as it was the only room that was left untouched by the carnage of the party. This was Danny’s nightmarish start to the week he had ever had.

Chapter 29

Instead of being ticked off at the sight of the kitchen, Lachlan laughed. Maybe it was that put him in a charitable mood. He only slept for 11 hours straigh.t. Lachlan never questioned Michelle’s washing up system:

  • Cutlery first

  • Glasses

  • Plates

  • Larger items

It made sense to Lachlan. As he gathered up all of the cutlery he could find dotted around the kitchen another memory came flooding to him. The memory was of him and Michelle washing up the dishes after their housewarming party when they moved into their first and only place. A flat overlooking Main Beach. He felt certain that they were at the start of their romantic story rather than a swiftly turning to the last page of their story. When the radio started playing “Girls On Film” by Duran Duran, Lachlan’s brain told him that it must be a coincidence. But the other part of his brain was telling Lachlan that it was a sign. Something stopped him from turning off the radio. Maybe it’s more memories of that moment in the kitchen. He spent two years stuck in the memory of Michelle’s death. What about those times when he’s been there for Michelle? Then he remembered what Cat said when she told him how he helped her. When he told her about what happened to Michelle Cat’s perception of Lachlan didn’t change. He shouldn’t deprive himself of things he and Michelle might love, on the principle that she could no longer experience it. Michelle would want him to do things that they would of enjoyed together. Let alone not live lie this. He knew the answer would be no. Michelle wanted to love life to the fullest as of it was his last. His memories of Michelle are becoming poignant. I’m sure that’s a good thing. The day’s filming for the music video overran because of a problem with the lighting that Cat raced into the house and upstairs. No time for a bath or shower to warm herself up after standing around Trafalgar Square for hours on end as she has to go straight to the audition for Danny. Thoughts flooded Cat’s head thanks to Justin commenting on her physical appearance. If Cat could of danced like she did at Heaven, Danny might give her the lead in Cinderella. When Danny watched Justin danced he thought his physical appearance was great but he lacked something special. Danny liked dancers celebrating each other, not trying to steal the spotlight. Once it was the ladies turn to audition Danny noticed that Cat seemed distracted. Danny thought that if he gave the role of Cinderella it would boost her confidence and her career. Cat didn’t really care when she danced her solo. But nothing screamed lead-role potential. After the inspection Danny was told to expect an eviction notice. When Danny, Justin and Cat got home Danny had a word with Cat about her lack of performance Cat explained about the music video job. After a long chat with Cat, Danny knew what they’re looking for and he’ll help her find it. Danny understood what Cat has been feeling as he knows what it feels like to have pressure and insecurities. How you look has very little to do with talent. Danny doesn’t want a Disney Cinderella princess that the other ladies who went to the audition looked like, he wanted a warrior princess. And he’ll help Cat find her warrior princess.

Chapter 30

Darius is still at the house? Turns out Danny is only letting Darius stay for a week. That’s hardly a housemate. He’s only staying until he finds a new place to stay after his former landlady kicked him out of his old house. As the emergency house meeting began and Danny explained to them that the house wasn’t in good condition when the lady from the letting agency inspected it and to prepare themselves for a possible threat of eviction. Danny has a what I’m going to call a Black Adder cunning plan and everyone wanted to know what it is. Plan is to give the house a makeover and ask Denise for a re-inspection. Another job now added to Danny’s list. When the phone rang everyone thought it was the letting agency. But when Danny answered the phone it was Johnny on the other end of the line. Johnny told Danny that he’s got a visitor for Danny. The visitor was Danny’s dad. Whilst making his way to work in the tube Jewel finally found a group of friends he consider as a family and a place to call home. There’s a possibility that it’ll come crumbling down. All because Danny helped him find a partner. Jewel hadn’t heard from Pablo since Denise’s inspection. It had only been 24hrs since then. For years Jewel dreamt of meeting someone, he assumed that the minuet you fall in love, lust, or whatever it was, all of your problems and angst would be over. He never knew that it would come with a new set of agonies. As soon as Jewel arrived at work Alice noticed that Jewel looked like keys been dumped. Alice thought what gives Jewel that idea. But what Jewel didn’t notice that a bouquet of lilies on the reception desk were for him from Pablo. He must of called in at Jewel’s work place and left them there. Jewel should stop freaking out an calm down. The tiny card read:

“Thank you for a wonderful night. Cannot wait to see you again.”

The bouquet of lilies certainly made his day more happier. After the meeting Justin has gone back to bed, leaving Cat cleaning the records in the living room. The other housemates have either gone to work of back to their rooms. Cat had the downstairs to herself. The pep talk got Cat all inspired and wanted to practice before her second audition with him that evening. She was aware that she’s lucky to get another chance. This time she doesn‘t want to blow it. She thought about what Danny said the night before she found a suitable empowering song to dance to out of Lily’s record collection “Sister’s Are Dion’ It For Themselves” by Aretha Franklin. Cat began to picture shaking all of her doubts and fears from her body as she began to dance. Like me Cat loved dancing unseen and unguarded. Cat felt her strength grew stronger and stronger. When the song came to an end Cat leaned over to catch her breath. But what she didn’t notice that Lachlan has been watching her dance whilst sitting in the kitchen. He gave her a round of applause and thought that Cat’s dancing was brilliant. When Lachlan offered her a cup of tea Cat turned it down as she rather practice her dancing than sit and have a cup of tea. Cat explained to Lachlan that Danny has given Cat another chance to audition for Cinderella. Lachlan reassured Cat that if she dances like that she’s going to blow Danny’s mind. Also Lachlan’s being doing well since he talked about Michelle’s death with Cat.

Chapter 31

What is Danny going to feel after before and after he sees his dad? We’re about to find out. Danny hasn’t seen his estranged father for years, why did he choose now? Johnny blamed himself for all of this because he sent a press release about Danny’s Rocky Horror gig. And the rest is history. Danny‘s father is waiting for his son at a pub around the corner. The reason why he showed up was because he’s impressed with his son’s achievements. As soon as Danny arrived at the pub he scanned the room until he spotted an old man sitting on a stool at the bar and went over to him. Dany told his dad about his transition from dancer to choreographer and Danny wondered why his dad has turned up. He must have a good reason why he wants to see his son. After Danny’s mum passed on his father tried his best to bring Danny up on his own. But most of the time Danny’s father has been working on the dock or drinking in a pub to stoupor meaning Danny had to bring himself up. Danny’s father only came to see his son to ask for money? Because he’s got into a bit of bother? And assumed he wants Danny to pay off his father’s gambling debts? What kind of a father would beat his own son all through his son’s childhood and ask his son to clear his debt? Danny’s father got himself into this mess he should try and get himself out of it. Lachlan made a huge pot of bubbling chilli. Won’t that be a bot too much? If any of his housemates don’t try his chilli, he’d be having them all to himself for a week, Lachlan felt unsure about a good house makeover would do. As soon as Cat came in Lachlan‘s heart skipped a beat. But as soon as Justin cam in it sank. Cat and Justin have been arguing about Danny giving Cat a second chance to audition. I bet Justin thinks that if you audition once and don’t get the job that’s it you don’t get another chance. There are people like Danny who are willing to give people another shot. I smell Justin causing a scene in the kitchen after taking a bite out of one of Lachlan’s bananas. When Danny got home Justin was too eager to know what part he’s got in the panto. Danny gave the role of one of the footmen. Justin wasn’t happy about it and Lachlan was loving ever second of it. I knew he would never get the part of Prince Charming. When Danny got a reference from Justin’s Berlin job he found out the real reason why Justin left that job. It was due to artistic differences between the director and Justin. Lachlan's anger boiled to the brim that it caused him to blurt out the fact that he kissed Cat. Lachlan was definitely standing up for Cat.

Chapter 32

Danny couldn’t help but notice that Cat was fuming over what happened between her, Justin and Lachlan as they walked to the White Lion Inn. I’m not sure if Cat is in the perfect frame of mind. Or is she. Danny had a hunch about Justin when he got a reference from Justin’s Berlin director. Most people work for the good of the show and those who work for the good of themselves. And Justin is one of those who work for the good of themselves. Never interested in helping others. No wonder why he got the sack. Cat dumping Justin is on the cards. Danny watched Cat dance how she danced back at Heaven. To him and me it was like watching a Strictly celebrity contestant become a different person. A few weeks after the first week. after watching Cat’s second audition it gave Danny a new fresh idea. What if they turned the panto on it’s head. What if Cinders gets the ugly sisters to see the error of their ways and end the panto united? Sounds like an inspiring idea. And it also meant that Cat has landed the leading role of Cinderella. WOOHOO!!! After 3 whole hours of brain storming ideas workshop it was time to head home. Seeing his dad May thrown Danny back to his childhood but in the present he’s a million miles away From the days when he was merely of his dads temper and drunken rants. Danny’s the strong one now and no longer the victim. He’s now the hero of his own story. Not only that he was lIrving his dream. After all that hard work Cat never felt alive. When they arrived home it was time for Cat to sort out Justin. Danny gave Cat a good-luck hug. It was a surprising thing that Danny’s father said that Danny’s mother would be proud of her own son. But was it also Danny’s father clumsy way of saying that he’s proud of him too? Danny wondered how things would of turned out if his mothers was still alive. All of his memories made Danny feel sorry for his father and wrote a £2,000 cheque to his fathers. Before she dumps Justin, Cat went into the backyard with a cup of camomile tea in order to help gather herself and compose her thoughts. She felt hurt when Justin lied to her about leaving the Berlin job. Well not anymore. From the dance floor in Heaven to the darkened stage at the White Lion Inn her metamorphosis into what she is now was complete. From now on this girl is doing it for herself. Once she went up into her room Justin explained to her that they’ll be moving with his parents. But she dumped him and he moved back in with his parents. She’s finally free of him. More importantly she’s a free woman.

Chapter 33

Things are going so well for Jewel and Pablo that they’re on a birthday date for Pablo. Glad Pablo is celebrating his birthday with his favourite person. They’ve been dating for twi months. And since Justin has left there haven’t been any tension in the house. Not only it was Pablo’s birthday it was the first night of Danny’s panto, so Jewel made a special effort. Then a raucous laughter made Jewel jump. The present that Jewel got for Pablo for his birthday was a mood ring. Meanwhile Danny felt the tension of the first night of his panto. Cat reassured him that Jewel and Pablo will be coming and Danny nodded. As both director and one of the stars of the panto he must maintain a calm centre for the rest of the cast. Thankfully Lil made a soothing scented lavender scented potpourri and that helped Danny calm down. Danny cast him as one of the ugly sisters. And I hope he’s a good ugly sister since I can tell he looked fabulous. Pablo and Jewel really enjoyed their birthday meal. But their happiness, let alone their evening is about to end really badly as two very large men had a go at Pablo and Jewel. Those men were committing hate crime.

Chapter 34

Sounds like the panto is a really big hit. And also it was Cat’s first professional gig since the music video gig. At the after party at the Lemon Tree it was the first time Danny saw Achilles since he bathed in a bathtub of cider. But he felt hurt that Jewel didn’t show up for the first night. I mean he helped him fall head over heels with Pablo. Danny’s agent Johnny was at the and thought that it was genius. Cat really did outdone herself as Cinderella. However Danny has been feeling romantic sensations when he looked at and talked to Achilles. And just as things were getting interesting the home behind the bar rang. Why would anyone be calling Danny at the Lemon Tree? He thought “This must be Jewel calling to apologise for being a no-show.” But it wasn’t Jewel on the phone, it was Lachlan on the phone. Joy was changed into horror as Lachlan informed that Jewel has been brought into A&E after being beaten up very badly in the previous chapter. OMG!!! That’s horrible. I hope jewel pulls through. The sight of London normally makes Cat feel happy at night. However that night horror was all Cat, Danny and Lil could feel as a taxi drove them to the hospital. Well as you’d expect A&E is busy as always and Lachlan felt numb of the chaos and seeing Jewel lying battered and bloody on a trolly. But when he saw a frail man his heart ached. But he’ll soon have him all patched up. Lachlan loves talking to old soldiers. I mean my grandad Endersby was a military police officer in WW2 and his war stories were always interesting. But when he heard Cat call his name he spun around and saw Cat, Lil and Danny. All they want to know is how is Jewel and what happened. Jewel was taking into surgery as he suffered from a serious trauma and bleeding on the brain. Whilst Danny drank some coffee he began to remember a nervous young man Jewel who first appeared at 27 Diamond Street wanting to rent the box room and he had no idea how much he meant to him. It was exciting to read how much Jewel has changed since then. Cat paced up and down the waiting room and Lil sat cross-legged in a chair, eyes closed and her hands in a prayer position. When the nurse nurse came in and told them that Jewel is still unconscious following the surgery and that they should go home and get some rest. But they all refused whilst Lil was trying to communicate with Jewel cosmically the nurse came back and said that they can see him. My guess is that Jewel has slipped into a coma. But once they all saw Jewel they couldn’t believe the state Jewel was in. They kept on talking to Jewel and prayed. All that praying helped Jewel find his way back. He opened his eyes. Not to sound too Frankenstein but HE’S ALIVE!!! HE’S ALIVE!!!

Chapter 35

It’s now Christmas in 1994, Danny looked on around the dinner table looking like a father with pride. Let alone it has been a month since Jewel’s accident and he seems to be doing well. And he and Pablo have been inseparable since Jewel came home from the hospital. And this is good for Jewel as it’s been helping recover and recuperate. Over the past few months Danny had warmed to Darius as a housemate. I bet that the fact was Darius played a comical Prince Charming helped. I think Danny, Lil, Cat, Pete, Jewel, Pablo and Darius having curried goat as a Christmas dinner is weird. They should do what Bridget Jones’s family do on Boxing Day: have a curry Christmas dinner party. Lachlan tried to really hard not to let his gaze linger at Cat. He’s now on a three week leave and is planning on flying out to Australia. Since his break through about not blaming himself for Michelle’s death he thought that is was time to visit his family. All that warmth and banter he had with Cat was gone. But ever since Jewel accident he felt grateful every single day. A lot has happened everyone moved into 27 Diamond Street. Turns out they got away with the house inspection. And surprisingly the landlord is also Lil’s father, and she inherited the house they’re living in when he died. That’s quite a bombshell. In order to prove that Lil brought out a scrapboo.

Chapter 36

Lil’s bombshell was earth-shattering that they didn’t begin eating their Christmas dinner. Everyone and me never saw it coming. Trust me. Throughout this novel Lil kept saying that she knew people like Mick Jagger and David Bowie and they never believed her because they all thought that she was making it up. But the scrapbook doesn’t lie. When they looked through it everything about Lil has become clear. And the reason Danny was in charge and never got in trouble after the house inspection. Since Jewel heard Lil‘s voice pulling him back to consciousness that night in hospital he felt a deep sense of connection to her that he never felt towards his real family members. When Lachlan announced that he’s going to Australia Jewel doesn't want him to stay there for good. Jewel knew that they had many heart-to-hearts and that Cat was trying to teach Lachlan some sort of lesson. And it was clear to jewel and myself that they both still really like each other. It would be tragic if they lose each other. Although the Christmas dinner looked and smelled amazing. She lost her appetite ever since Lachlan announced that he’s going home to Australia and possibly never come back. The truth is after the confrontation between Lachlan and Justin in the kitchen her anger at Lachlan faded. She needed time on her own, because she really does need to focus on her dancing dreams and figure out who she was and what she wanted. Starring in Cinderella, signing with Danny’s agent and landed a role in a West End show had helped regain her sense of identity. She waited for the right moment to clear the air with Lachlan. She might not get another chance if she doesn’t do it now. The door bell rang and who should appear on the door step but none other than Achilles. It seemed that things have cleared between him and Danny as they’ve been getting along with each other. If you know what I’m talking about 😉😉😉. Achilles brought Christmas crackers with him and Cat’s prize was a fortune teller miracle fish. She placed it in the palm of her hand and the fish’s head and tail began to move. The fish said that Cat’s in love. I mean she and Justin are finishEd just in case you guys are confused. Cat hurriedly went out into the backyard for fresh air. Lachlan followed her waning to know how she is. When she asked him whether or not he’s coming back his answer was that it depends on if he has anything to come home to. Confused at the thought of his job Lachlan apologised for what happened that night with Justin to Cat told her that he still have his job. They really do miss each other. Cat doesn’t want Lachlan to go. She does want him to see his family and friends. This is an interesting development. As they kissed Cat heard cheering from inside the house. The fortune teller miracle fish didn’t lie. Both Cat and Lachlan really do love each other. Told you that Cat can do better than Justin. As they raised their glasses they drank to more dances and dreams on diamond street.

I thought this novel was one of the best novels I’ve ever read. I love the sexual equalities and standing up to your dreams, passion and never giving up on them and yourselves.

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