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Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Episode 1-5, S1

Episode 1, S1:

This month I originally planned to watch and review Black Butler. But unfortunately Netflix has only got season 4. But I wanted to review it from season 1. So it looks like I'm going to have to give Black Butler a miss as I've tried looking for season 1 on DVD. But sadly I couldn't find season 1 on DVD. So instead I'm going to review an anime series called: Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma. It's mainly about an aspiring young chef who has surpasses his father's culinary skills and was offered a new job which requires him to travel around the world.

Well to start off Soma was trying to make some sort of combination with squid tentacles and peanut butter. OK that sounds disgusting to me. But Soma seems like a confident chef. OK this father/son relationship reminds me of the relationship I have with my mum. Recently I made Chocolate chip and Peanut Butter Pie, she liked it but declared it to be not one of her favourites. Nothings been her favourite since I baked those buns for her and my dad because she said that I must have done something with them. Also I think Soma seems to be a bit of a psychotic chef. But as the voiceover guys said in this episode:

“The art of cooking is indeed a vast wasteland.

A wasteland dotted with endless example of “delicious” and “disgusting.”

But I also remember what Anton Ego said in the Disney Pixar film “Ratatouille”:

In many ways, the work of a critic is easy.

We risk very little. Yet enjoy a position over those who offer and themselves to our judgement.

We thrive on negative criticism. Which is fun to write and to read.

But the bitter truth we critics must face if adding the grand scheme of things.

But an average piece of junk is probably the more meaningful than our criticism designating itself.

But there are times when a critic truly risks something. And that is in the discovery and defence of the new.

The world is often unkind to new talent. New creations. The new needs friends.

Last night I experienced something new. An extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source.

To say that both the meal and its maker challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking: is a gross understatement. They have rotted me to my core.

In the past I have made no secret of my distain for Chef Gusteau’s famous motto: “Anyone can cook.” But I realise only now who I truly understand what he meant.

Not everyone can become a great artist. But a great artist can come from anywhere.

It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking a Gusteau’s. Who is this critic’s opinion is nothing less than a finest chef in France.

I’ll be returning to Gusteas’s soon, Hungry for more.”

But you know us younger generation do tend to surpass our parents so I understand what Soma is feeling when he wants to beat his dad. So what do I do? I just keep trying. It’s all about practising perfection. But you never know someone might like Soma’s disgusting food. Sounds like some developers are trying to persuade Soma and his father to close up shop by stating that there are some small businesses that are struggling and Soma stated to them that it’s not the case as they do whatever it takes to give the customer what they want. Looks like the following day those developers had purposely burgled Soma and his father’s restaurant in another attempt for them to close up shop. But OMG! Soma’s cooking skills are off the charts. If I were on Master Chef competing against Soma I’d lose. Seriously this teen can cook up a steamed potato, wrapped in thick-cut bacon and make it look like a roast pork. I wish he taught me to cook. That lady developer better take a bit or else. But it looks like she got overwhelmed with the taste and flavour by Soma’s secret to the flavour: once to potato is nice and soft, the fibrous mushrooms easily soaked up the fat, diced onions bump up the sweetness and knead both of them in, wrap it with thick-cut bacon, slowly cooked in the oven, which made the bacon nice and crispy which made the potato and mushrooms soak up the bacon’s fat and flavour. Which created the combination of crispy on the outside while the interior is juicy. The dish was inspired by a past mistake he did when he made a potato salad for a customer. This proves that cooking can also be chemistry. Sounds like the developer liked it so much that she promised to never to return to Soma’s restaurant again. What? Soma’s dad wants to close the shop? This cannot be! I know Julia Child took cooking lessons in Paris, France but she taught America and the entire world to cook. Even inspiring me to try.

For this episode I love the graphics, the colour and the traditional anime animation moments. Can’t wait for episode 2.

Episode 2, S1:

Here we go with episode 2. I wonder what been cooking. Sounds like this Erina reminds me of Veruca Salt from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory because she sounds like a spoilt child. Expecting her chefs to make an oyster porridge that tasted horrible. Well she hasn’t met Soma. The news of his dad shutting the restaurant hasn’t sunk in and Soma was sent to a culinary school till graduation. But Soma will try and do his best. He is so determined. Even though the other students are looking at Soma with their noses down. I hope he passes the transfer exams. Let alone whether he’s up to the challenge of making something that’ll impress Erina. But negative comments do seem to get Soma’s culinary creative juices going as he made furikake rice unlike any other. Transforming Furikake rice? What the heck is that?

It looks like normal furikake, but when you put it with rice it transforms into something delicious. Imagine the heat from the rice is melting it, it coats more and more of the rice. The delicate scent of slow-simmered chicken is slowly building the aroma. Seriously I need to get out a notepad and take notes. Erina said she’d take one bite but she took another bite. But what Soma really put in the transforming furikake rice is:

Cube of jelly made with chicken wings.

Nikogori is meat or fish broth with lots of gelatine so it hardens into a kind of jelly when cooled. Chicken wings simmered in fish seasoning, sake, and mild soy sauce, chilled the broth to harden it, and then sliced it up fine. When it goes on top of the hot rice, the broth from the chicken wings melts, binding with the soft-scrambled egg.

Looks like Erina has met her match and has told Soma that it’s disgusting. Even though she secretly likes it. Honestly she needs a reality check. Or a personality transplant.

I hope with the coming episodes Soma might succeed.

Ep. 3, S1:

Leaving family is usually an emotional time. Even for Megumi as her family and friends will miss her especially her cooking. As I’m autistic I can’t see myself moving out any time now. But starting a new school can be very nerve recking. I should know that because I was a nervous reck during my first year at high school and college. As I remember at high school there was anyone that we’re scared of. But at this culinary school everyone is scared of Erina and her grandfather, Senzaemon Nakiri-sama, the schools director. He sure looks like a tough man to impress. But his ceremonial speech sounds motivating. I just wish Erina is way less of a brat. It’s great to know that Soma is finally attending the same school as Erina. There’s definitely competition in the air.

Megumi could do with a great dose of confidence medicine because how can she get through school without confidence in herself. I myself believe she can get through this. Maybe Soma could give Megumi give her the support she needs. She could do with a new friend. I wonder what Soma might cook up for their tutor Laurent Chapelle-sensei. Some extraordinary I hope for a strict chef. He definitely earned that “Chef Who Never Smiled” title. First dish to serve is: boeuf bourguignon. It’s a French beef stew, stewed in red wine. Funny thing is that this dish was the first dish that Judith Jones made when she edited Julia Child’s “Mastering The Art Of French Cooking.” I bet that Soma might make something that’ll make it taste delicious. But seriously Megumi doesn’t feel very confident in what she and Soma are doing. But Soma is so confident that but he and Megumi will pass.

Soma and Megumi contains honey as Soma rubbed it on the meat before simmering and added it to the seasoning too. It made the meat tender on a short amount of time. It made Laurent Chapelle-sensei smile for the first time. Seemed to me he found it delicious. By the look of things Megumi might have developed a crush on Soma, as they’ll be partnering up more often.

Ep. 4, S1:

Man this school is quite large. How’s Soma going to find his dorm? He better find it soon. I wonder what his roommate will be. Or will he get a roommate? OK this dorm has a really nasty dorm mother who is just another nut case who definitely needs a taste of Soma’s food. Whatever Soma makes better be delicious to the dorm mother. Looks like Soma can make something out of mackerel and made it into a burger by adding onions and breadcrumbs to the egg, mixed it with mackerel, added pepper, and lightly salted it. Fry it up and you’d get a flaky mackerel-burg steak. Add ponzu sauce to the leftover mackerel liquid and thickened it with some potato starch which makes a simple refreshing sauce. She thought it was going to be horrible but she was dead wrong. Soma used dried squid to make fish stock, soaked in boiling water, added salt and it’ll become a rich-tasting soup stock. Result: dorm mother likes it as it reminds her of when she was young and Soma can live in the dorm. One thing I like to say when he ran into Megumi in the bathroom is…ARKWARD! But it looks like Soma has settled in very well and made new friends. He even tried his news their food and liked them. I am positive that Soma is going to get along with he new friends.

Ep. 5, S1:

Soma has got a lot to live up to for one of the council of ten. What will he make this time round? By the looks of it he’s using mackerel again. Mackerel onigiri chazuke is what Soma made. I hope it’ll impress those who are part of the council of ten with a salted seaweed tea. Looks like one of the council of ten loves it along with Soma’s new friends. Looks like Soma used the poele method, whatever that is. Good thing that Soma’s dad is a very good teacher. Soma’s friends loved the mackerel onigiri chazuke so much that they shovelled it right down them. What I think of one of soma’s new friends is he’s bonkers. Soma has challenged one of the members of council of ten. But how could he not know how challenges work? This is turning into Master Chef, with rules added. Setting up a challenge sounds like a load of faffing and hassle. Something that I may have stress related meltdown over. I can see why my mum thinks that I shouldn’t sign up for something like that; she’s only looking out for me. But I have a lot of faith that Soma will do everything he can to win.

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