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Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Episode 16-19, S1

Ep. 16, 17, 18 & 19, S1:

Well Erina has a nice dorm room. And Soma’s dad Jōichirō Yukihira challenged his son Soma to a food battle. Soma’s friends still can’t believe that Soma’s dad was a member of the school’s council of ten. I bet the battle will end up in draw. But like what everyone says “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Soma was quicker than his dad when he made his dish. Soma made an apple risotto. And with the black pepper it changes the risotto. Soma used apple juice to keep the apples crunchiness rather than let it go soft and mushy. He simmered the onions and cooked the rice whilst adding the juice a little at a time. After that he added the sliced apple then cooked it over a low temperature and that is how the apple retained its texture. How many tricks does Soma have up his sleeve that his dad doesn’t have? What did Jōichirō make? What? He made a ramen? IN THE MORNING!? That’s a first for me to hear. Looks like all that travelling that Jōichirō took really taught him something. But Soma has got a lot to learn before ever beating his dad. But Soma is getting better and better. But however Jōichirō is one proud father. Rather staying to give his son advice he thought it was best to leave the school and Soma to work things out on his own.

On the advice of Fumio Daimidō, Soma returned to his family restaurant during vacation, just to air it out. But he unexpectedly reopened the restaurant for a limited time only. But Soma’s former middle school friend Mayumi Kurase feels that Soma has gotten farther away from her. I know how that felt. But the more times you spend with that friend you’ve just gotten reacquainted with, the more closer you get. Whatever happened to the shopping district whilst Soma and Jōichirō were away? The answer is: a station’s commercial area reopened after renovations, adding a new shopping experience with new clothing stores, book stores and other boutiques. Plus a lot of new restaurants including a new fried chicken place that has been getting a lot of buzz. And the shopping district is loosing customers. But I know Soma will come up with that’ll bring the customers back by making a new kind of friend chicken. But first check this new fried chicken just to get the idea of what to do. But I think he needs help from Mito. Mito and Mayumi could really do with getting along. But how? But at least the chairman Yūya Tomita was there but wearing one of the lamest disguises I’ve ever seen in an anime. Trench coat, hat and sunglasses are so typical. They’ve tried the fried chicken, now how will Soma make a fried chicken that’s better and more delicious? The first trial dish was delicious but not quite right. Maybe trying beef, pork or A5-grade beef? Or something unique that only they can provide?

They’re all going for takeout at an affordable price for the passing students. But Mayumi and Mito getting to know each other is going to be a bit of a struggle especially when striking a conversation. Soma tried chicken thighs and it went down well with Mayumi. But once Yūya Tomita burst into the restaurant with an idea in hand, literally, Soma came up with an idea. Probably a crazy idea that might work. Even though the owner is positive that their customers will be buying Mozuya’s fried chicken but instead they’re buying it from Soma’s restaurant. And they seemed to like it more than Mozuya. And the shopping district seems to be booming with business. But when Soma goes back to school he’ll know that Mayumi will keep an eye on things. But once Soma returned to school he was offered to work for Etsuya Eizan but turned it down. However Etsuya informed Soma that Soma was chosen to compete in the Fall Selection. How will Soma compete?

Erina objected to the fact that Soma should compete in the Fall Selection. She is one stubborn girl I’ve so far seen in anime. Pretty much everyone Soma knows will also compete. Everyone who is going to compete are pumped up but Soma looks calm. However Megumi is still nervous about it. Alice so wants to kick her cousin Erina out of the council of ten. First dish Soma and friends have to make is a curry cuisine. So far during this series Soma has never made curry before. Looks like they’re going to needs some help from a friend of Jōichirō, Jun Shiomi & Akira Hayama. Jun sure packs a punch on Soma because of what his dad did by making her taste his experimental food. And by the looks of it hasn’t forgiven him. I just hope Soma would come up with a way to pull through. But Akira taught Soma a lot about curry.

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