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Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Episode 6-10, S1

Ep. 6, S1:

It’s another day at school for Soma and one of Soma’s friends has asked for his help with picking fresh fruit and vegetables. It seems like he’s having loads of fun. This school has a lot of food related clubs. If I attended this school I would be having a hard time choosing which club to join. Soma has finally got his Food War challenge. His challenger: Nikumi Mito. But she’s better known as “The Meat Master.” Mito doesn’t know what she’s up against. If Mito wins: Soma leaves the school. But if Soma wins: Mito has to join Bowl-Soc. Soma seems confident that he’ll win. And I am confident he will. He better think of some plan. Or else he’ll lose and have to leave the school. What’s with the boxing when Soma was being explained to about A5 grade meat? Looks a bit unnecessary. Sounds like Soma is going to make a meat rice bowl of sorts. But with no money, what’s Soma going to do? Instead of pork soma used beef to make a “beef cutlet rice bowl.” Soma tweaked a recipe. Hey it’s fun to tweak a recipe every now and again. I do that sometimes. Soma practiced, practiced and tried different recipes until he tried something that may help him win by using steak cuts. Sliced grid pattern steak, then pounded to spread it out, covered with minced onions on both sides and let it set for a bit, seasoned with salt and pepper after the onions were removed, cooked along with a melting pat of butter, caramelized onions with leftover juices and the onion is spread all atop the meat. Sounds like a winning dish to me. But will it be enough for Soma to win?

Ep. 7, S1:

Well it’s the day of the Soma’s first Food War battle. And I’m pretty cure he’s confident that he’ll win. OK Megumi seriously needs help with her anxiety. Maybe she should take meditation, yoga or tai chi to help her relax. But comparing to Soma cooking in front of customers at his family’s restaurant I think cooking in front of a stadium filled with over 1000 spectators doesn’t make that much of a difference to him. I mean hundreds upon hundreds of customers have passed through his family’s restaurants doors. Soma’s fellow students think that he’s toast. But I think they should of cheered him on and not cheer on Mito. Mito brought out the A5 grade meat but however it’s all about the taste of what they make. I don’t think Erina is going to too pleased if Soma wins. Will their culinary creations impress the judges? Or Soma leaves the school for good? There’s only one way to find out. The judges thought Mito’s dish is delicious. It doesn’t look too good for Soma at this moment. The judges thought that Soma’s dish might be horrible but they were wrong, it was tastier than Mito’s rice bowl dish. Looks like Mito will have to join the bowl club. Soma: 1, Mito: 0. Erina is not too impressed that Mito didn’t win. Turns out the at Soma didn’t want to join the club.

Ep. 8, S1:

It’s that time of the year for crucial which means brutal cooking training and test which means if half of the students failed they’ll be expelled. But the other half will make it through. All of Soma’s friends are confident that they’ll make it. Which means a lot of studying and preparing. I honestly think that these students need more time. WHAT? SERIOUSLY? A student expelled for applying citrus scented hair oil in his hair so that no one can smell the scent of his cooking? THIS IS TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE!!! The rules have been explained: when they work at a restaurant, they’ll be treated like an employee. If they’re not to their liking, they be fired which means, “expelled from the school.” Sounds to me that Soma may of got this. But it seems like their first chef is friendly and bubbly. Sounds like other student: Takumi Aldini has challenged Soma but even though it’s a challenge that was set for the entire class. Seems to me that this student is shallow and needs a personality transplant. But he does have good cutting skills with a mezzaluna knife, which helps cut something into a paste, in Italian cooking. But whatever Takumi and his brother made looked very tasty and they both passed. ? I’m not surprised that Erina passed as well. But what Soma? What is he going to do?

Ep. 9, S1:

OK now we’re we found out why the Aldini brothers were sent to cooking school. All because Takumi has grown a cold place in his heart. But being at cooking school would benefit him. Still what is Soma going to make to make the Aldini brothers grovel before him? Soma has had a hard time gathering freshly laid chicken eggs. Dish after dish only half had passed. And the rest have to redo their dishes. How’s Soma going to make a dish…IN 15MINS?! But he did look like he made a nice fried fish dish with a wonderful texture by pounding down the rice crackers, used it as a coating to fry the ingredients. That gives the dish a good texture, and makes it unexpectedly flavourful. So my question is: did Soma and Megumi pass? YES THEY DID!!! Soma and Takumi better settle their battle with a Food War! Or else we won’t know who will grovel in front of the other. But before they get a chance to rest up they have to make 50 servings of a steak dinner for the Upper Arm University’s Bodybuilding Club, along with the football and wrestling clubs. 50 SERVINGS? WHAT? WHEN WILL SOMA AND HIS FELLOW STUDENT GOING TO COOK AND EAT THEIR OWN DINNERS?! THIS IS RIDUCLOUS!!! If anyone fails to complete their dishes within an hour…that’s right they’ll be expelled from the school. Good luck to them. It’s a never-ending training. But Soma passed by making all 50 dishes very fast. Guess the more practice you do, you get faster and faster. Kind of like what I’m doing with my baking.

Ep. 10, S1:

Soma ran into Erina on his way to take a bath… awkward. But Erina is not too happy about that. But she does hope that Soma will fail and be expelled from the school. Erina is sure one brat right from when she was a baby. So far Megumi’s confidence is growing. But the next training class is going to be a tough one as one of the former students who is now a chef is a tough one. My question is for his task…HOW WILL MEGUMI COOK ALL ON HER OWN WITHOUT SOMA?! This is going to be a very stressful task even when they’re not allowed to exchange any tips or information or they’ll risk failing. Soma may have got this but I do think that Megumi could do with a confidence boost. But t least he passed. But what about Megumi? How well did she do? All I can say is that she didn’t do very well. I feel extremely sorry for her. I am not very satisfied with her results along with Soma. But the chef that tested them expected high expectations. But that made Soma even more upset and offered the chef to challenge him in another food war. Will this chef accept the challenge and take back his decision to expel Megumi? Or will he turn it down and Megumi will never be able to attended culinary school again?

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