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Cherry Cake

Haikyu!! Series 2 Ep 1-5

Episode 25, S1, Series Finale:

Well they’re still reeling from the game they lost during school. It obviously has taken a toll on them. But the feeling won’t last very long. I should know because when I think too much I don’t get enough sleep and I end up having a breakdown. Being the captain of the volleyball team means making tough decisions but Daichi thought that leaving the team wont be a good idea nor make things better, but it looks like he’s going to stay anyways. Sometimes choosing to leave isn’t a good idea unless the team wants you to leave. And also prioritising your studies and sport is also a good idea. I never played any kind of team sport at high school but I did prioritise my studies by fitting the pieces. Sho and Tobio thinks that it’s unfair that they’re not in the finals and having a tantrum like little children. Karasuno may have lost, but there’s always light at the end of tunnel. For now all they can do is practice for The Spring Nationals. There are two meanings:

1. It’ll be the final game for the third-year players.

2. They’ll need to step things up a notch like their lives depended on it.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Episode 1, S2:

I think in this series Karasuno is going to toughen things up after loosing to Date Tech from the previous series. Judging by the opening credits it look as though we might see a lot more of the Karasuno Girls volleyball team. All they got to do is practice, practice, practice and harder than ever. But Sho’s speed keeps improving every time. Looks like they’ll playing against Nekoma in…


This there chance and they better make the most of it. They better make Karasuno High proud. Sho believes he could break that wall he sees every time he jumps before he gets blocked by the blockers. They are sooo determined to get to the nationals more than ever before. If I were them I would do some Mulan style training except without the intensity. But hey they’re confident to get to the Nationals. I mean confidence is key right?

Episode 2, S2:

Things are going to get trickier by the minuet because not only they got another game next month but they have to pass their exams too. And if they don’t it looks like they might get kicked out of the team. They better get on practising and studying or else they won’t get to go to Tokyo. They should investigate on after school tutoring which I my case when I was preparing for my GCSE’s my mum and dad asked someone who was also tutoring one of my BBF’s after school to tutor me in Math and English, which do to my learning disability I was struggling with, a common school student with learning disability problem. But somehow us people with disabilities we pull through. At least Tobio and Sho have asked some of their teammates for help; teammates play together, study together. Seems like they got a new potential manager and she looks extremely shy and highly anxious for a first year. She reminds me of Megumi from Food Wars at lot; this new potential should really get out more and go to a volleyball team so that she can see for herself on what she’s getting herself into. She really needs to calm down or meditate by using Headspace; I myself do recommend that as they have their own series of meditation episodes on Netflix. The team need to remember not to dwell on Date Tech beating them.

Episode 3, S2:

The newbie is still a bit of the nervous wreck. As the trip to Tokyo is getting pricy by the minuet they have to come up with something alternate or something. This newbie doesn’t know anything about volleyball but I’m sure she’ll learn on the job. Besides to me being a volunteer at The British Heart Foundation has taught me everything about retail and I did learn at lot about the retail business. This newbie looks like she starting to fancy Sho; but we’ll have to find out as the series progresses further on. Better not get too distracted or else she’ll never see Sho being Karasuno’s secret weapon. Good thing Sho and Tobio will be tutored by Yachi (the newbie) in order to pass their exams and go to Tokyo. Lets hope they do pass. And she shouldn’t be too scared to ask her mother to go to Tokyo or else she won’t be able to make her own choices. A person should make his or her own choices, for Yachi she should decide on whether or not she wants to be the volleyball manager. Thankfully she decided to be the manager of the volleyball team and her mother doesn’t really mind that at all. Sounds like Yachi’s mother is being a proud mother. And after making that poster with Sho doing the spike on it, people are calling in to make a donation in order for the team to go to Tokyo. However the nail-biting bit is who passed their exams.

Episode 4, S2:

They’ve made it to Tokyo but Sho failed English, Tobio failed Japanese and Yachi got a perfect score. So sadly Sho and Tobio will have to sit out of Tokyo until they pass supplementary exams. And thank goodness that they did and Tanaka’s sister Saeko showed up to take them to Tokyo in a flash. One thing that I can describe her is that she is one mad driver; so I’m going to have to do a flight attendant demonstration; “Your safety and comfort during the ride is absolutely cannot be guaranteed; so please enter the vehicle at own risk and fasten your seatbelts please; have a nice car journey.” Whoa she drives like my sister’s boyfriend Rob when it comes to turns, although he does drive safely most of the time. Karasuno team better take notes and learn from the other schools that are also competing as I think it’ll help them come up with strategies. Although I also think that it won’t work. Sho and Tobio have made it just in the nick of time for practice and they’re rearing to go; another flight attendant demonstration “Thank you for choosing Saeko for all you travel needs. Don’t stand until the car comes to a complete stop. Bye-bye. Bye-Bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye now. Bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye now. Bye.” Without them Karasuno wouldn’t be able to win a practice game and the other schools are trying to figure out what’s up with Sho and Tobio. But there are quite impressed with Sho’s high jumps and the teams’ quick attacks. The reason why they came was to improve themselves.

Episode 5, S2:

Today is the third Nekoma game they’ve played and they’re rearing to go. And it’s the first for Sho and Tobio in a long while. Nekoma is trying hard to stop Sho and Tobio’s quick attack that is until they blocked it with a team mate who is fast as he is tall. They might as well try normal quick attacks. But Nekoma has a trick up their sleeve. Big deal Karasuno can always try out different ways. Sho shouldn’t focus on the ball and not paying attention; he should get it together. Karasuno should absorb other teams techniques in order to try and score. Whatever they come up with is worth a try. Until the next training camp they’ll play again which is in two weeks before then. Sho’s attention is on the ball which is causing him to loose jump height. That can’t be good. Why can’t he jump with his eyes close? Then maybe he’ll jump high enough. They better perfect those quick attacks before the summer nationals get under way. Sho and Tobio do know how to start their own fight club when they don’t agree and get along with each other. I just hope they see eye-to-eye before being at each others throat again. They just have to get over another hurdle.

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