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Cherry Cake

Kuroko's Basketball Ep. 18 & Strictly week 10

Before I start this blog I have something that I really need to get off my chest. Due to missing on a lot of volunteering because of Filey and Luv2MeetU I'll be volunteering every Monday afternoons 2pm-4pm & Tuesday 10am-12pm. So as of this week I'll be reviewing anime every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. But for blogmas I've decided to just do a whole blogmas blog, meaning that I won't do a blog-a-day but do a whole blog dedicated to what I've been up to throughout Christmas.

Kagami shouldn’t worry. So Seirin should try and get three points as they believe in their teammates. How is that Touou are ten points ahead of Seirin by 68-78. So what Seirin are going to do? But they tried a triple team but Aomine missed. My guess is that Kuroko purposely made Aomine miss. A team member fro Touou caused a foul and Seirin is happy about it, which means three free throws for Seirin and they’re now 83-87. But Aomine is for real? He’s entered what’s called the zone:

The Zone. In this state of extreme focus, all unnecessary thoughts disappear and the athlete becomes absorbed in the play. Only those who have practiced and practiced earn the right to stand before the door, and it only opens unpredictably. It is the ultimate domain, open only to the chosen. However, Aomine’s senses almost mockingly force the door open on their own.

Other teams have never seen Aomine’s true form. So I guess that they must of heard about it. Seirin must try to hang on even if it kills them. Even if Aomine is still the strongest and unstoppable. Kagami was happy if he’s benched, but he’s the ace, so it’s all on Kagami and trying different tactics one after the other. But Kagami is sick of seeing his teammates cry, so he better get in the zone.

Rose & Giovanni

Paso Doble:

I am so proud of how far Rose she came. She never let her disability get in the way.

Dan & Nadiya


AJ & Kai

Couples Choice:

Rhys & Nancy


Tilly & Nikita:


John & Johannes:

Argentine Tango

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