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Cherry Cake

Kuroko's Basketball Ep. 8

Episode 8:

Two games on the same day sounds crazy but they’ve gotten through it and they’ve been eating quite a lot than normal. Guess they’re just building energy. But lucky their coach Riko Aida has found some DVD’s of past games that the other schools have taken part in. looks like they’ll be doing extra homework in order to do their research. That also happened in Haikyu where the volleyball team studied the opponents strengths and weakness and they came up with a foolproof game plan, which worked most of the time. To me that’s always a good idea, study the opponents strengths and weaknesses and you’ll figure out on what to do. A bit of pep talk from the coach and from the team captain they’re rearing to go and win against Seiho High. Kagami should calm down because he’s already caused two foul charging’s. One more and he’ll be out of the court. Seiho High isn’t making things easy for Seirin, they seemed to using old martial arts. Not the kind of ones they use in movies, I’m talking ancient martial arts moves. They’re using all sorts of techniques, so that’s why Kagami’s been loosing cool. But he’s got an idea and Kuroko thinks it’ll work. Seirin scored, finally. Who will win the game?

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