Seirin managed to pull ahead by five points. But only by the skin of their teeth. Kiyoshi is badly bruised and Kagami is really mad. Kuroko was calm and mad at the same time. When they thought that Kuroko’s vanishing drive is done when he sees his opponent blink. However that is not the case. During the second half Kirisaki Dai Ichi team have been stealing. And Seirin keeps falling for them. Which meant that Kirisaki Dai Ichi are winning. Seirin keep getting caught in Kirisaki Dai’s spider web. So what are they going to do? I mean Hyuga hasn’t made a single shot. Kuroko did come up with an idea. It’s a gamble but the teams up for it. it looked liked Kuroko’s pass worked as it broke Kirisaki Dai Ichi’s formula. But during that game Kiyoshi got more bruised and has to be taken out of the game or if he keeps pushing himself it could mean the end of the game for Seirin
Dance of this week is...
Michael Jackson:
Don't Stop Til You Get Enough