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Cherry Cake

Toradora Ep. 18 Review

Episode 18

Getting the school stadium ready for the party is going really well. Full swing and all. Aisaka loves Christmas that she doesn’t want Santa to put her on the naughty list. Kitamura ordered Haruta not to decorate for the party nor attend and just focus studying for the exams instead. Studying is important. Good thing Kitamura got other students best interest at heart. But anyways Kitamura and Aisaka are getting awfully close. Everyone’s trying to make them into a couple. I would never get involved in anyone’s love life because shouldn’t it be up to Kitamura and Aisaka to become a couple of their own? Well you my point. Exams are over and Minorin has got another baseball practice. Aisaka’s got Christmas presents for her parents and orphaned children. Sounds like Aisaka has got a good heart. She really does love Christmas and she just wants to be a part of it. I wonder if Ryuji might invite Aisaka over for Christmas dinner. Well the Christmas tree has arrived at the school and it’s time to assemble and decorate it. It’s going to a really tall one. And it look magnificent. OMG! The Christmas tree looks amazing all lit up and everything. Especially with Aisaka’s Christmas star tree topper. Wait something has gone wrong because the tree fell over after Minorin’s baseball ball from practice and broke Aisaka’s tree topper. But after Ryuji helped Minorin fix Aisaka’s tree top he said he’ll wait for Minorin at the party.

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