Episode 24
Blog 2:
2nd to last episode of this anime and I think that this’ll be the episode where Ryuji confesses to Aisaka. I’m on pins and needles.
After Aisaka ran off Minorin and Ryuji ran after her. Whilst running after Aisaka Minorin finally confessed that she loves Ryuji too. But by the time they arrived at Aisaka’s locker she wasn’t there. And Minorin tripped over and ended up with a nose bleed. Minorin decided to save up for college with a great baseball team and eventually become a member of a famous baseball team. Sounds like a good future for Minorin. Minorin only rejected Ryuji earlier because she didn’t want to get between Aisaka and Ryuji. Ryuji had a feeling that Aisaka would turn up at the bakery because he needs to talk to her. By the way the job at the bakery pays well. Aisaka’s mother showed up and she’s disappointed in her and the same goes for Ryuji’s mother because she thought that he lied to her about his future. But she’s just afraid that he’ll turn out to be like her. It’s his future and he can decide what he wants to do with it. And also families are supposed to help each other out which is why Ryuji got a job already and also the reason why his mother fell ill in the previous episode that I reviewed earlier today. After Ryuji and Aisaka ran away from their mothers Aisaka confessed that she didn’t care about who Ryuji falls in love with and marries in his later life. But Ryuji confessed that he really loves her and when he turns 18 he and Aisaka can legally marry as they’ll be legally adults. Ryuji’s mother is freaking out that she phoned everyone he knew. Out of the kindness of Ami’s heart she offered Aisaka, Ryuji and their friends a bit of refuge. Plus Aisaka told their friends that she and Ryuji are planning eloping and running away. Where are going to elope to? Gretna Green? But running isn’t the answer so Minorin offered them their money, Ami offered them her beach house and Kitamura offered them his rice vouchers. Seriously they’re really great friends. In the end Ryuji and Aisaka have gone to stay with his grandparents.