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Vampire Knights Series 1 Ep. 6-10

Ep. 6, S1: Their Choices:

Flashback alert!!! We now know why, how and who gave Toga that eye-patch. Toga told Kiryu to run but he didn’t. Toga risked his life to protect Kiryu. And told him why vampire hunters hunt vampires because when Kiryu was just a little boy Toga was training to become a vampire hunter because Kiryu’s family were vampire hunters too. As soon as Toga arrived Kiryu was now walking on dangerous ground. Kiryu better take those blood tablets for his own sake. But at the moment the headmaster of the school decided to quarantine Kiryu in the headmaster’s guest room until further notice. But I do agree with Kaname, Kiryu should attend the night class students. The girls in the day classes are still crazy over the night class students. When will they get their heads together and stop going crazy over the night students? Night class students are none too pleased about Toga being their new ethics teacher. They all thought that he’s there to spy on them or kill them because they all know Toga doesn’t like vampires. I don’t think Yuki should let Kiryu drink her blood but she would never give up on helping Kiryu from becoming a level E vampire. Kaname can only hope that protecting Kiryu doesn’t cause any pain for Yuki. Kaname really cares about Yuki. But going easy with Kiryu isn’t going to be easy. I certainly hope Yuki knows what she’s doing.

Ep. 7, S1: The Scarlet Maze:

Kiryu sure has got good shooting skills. But I can tell that that being Kiryu’s guardian is not going to be easy than Yuki thinks. But thoughts of Kaname are conflicting her mind. Even her past is conflicting her. But it seems like Kaname has been part of Yuki’s life since she was a child. This episode does have quite a lot of flashbacks. Yuki has been treating Kiryu as if he’s her big brother since he was brought to the school. And since Kaname was introduced to Yuki he has treated her like a little sister. By the looks of things it seems to me that Yuki’s past and her feelings for Kaname are conflicting. But let’s just say things are a bit complicated now. But the love that Yuki has for Kaname will never change. I bet that’s going to be dangerous.

Ep. 8, S1: Gunshot Of Sorrow:

Feelings are still conflicting Kaname, Yuki and Kiryu. But the students in the moon dorm are getting a surprise visit from Takuma’s grandfather. I can tell that it’s not going to go well. What if Takuma’s grandfather finds out that Kiryu is a vampire and the school keeping him a secret from the day students? I do hope the headmaster doesn’t tell him about Kiryu. Takuma’s grandfather surely knows how to make a grand entrance. The night students seemed to be at an edge at Takuma’s grandfather’s presence. Yuki is so determined to let Kiryu keep drinking her blood rather than making sure he’s taking those blood tablets. Kiryu is sent by the vampire hunter association to hunt down a level E vampire as a vampire hunter. Yuki’s father has already told the vampire association that Kiryu is doing fine but they just don’t seemed to listen. But the vampire association did send two purebloods along to help. But this Level E vampire sounds like he’s mad as a hatter. Better to finish the level E vampire off rather than letting it go.

Ep. 9, S1: Crimson Gaze:

I don’t know who that lady is at the start of this episode but she said that she and Kiryu are bound together by an unbreakable bond. This is going to be a puzzle which may take a while to figure out why. Whilst doing her disciplinary duties Yuki was lost in thought over Kiryu hunting vampires. But the other day student girls are getting more and more excited than usual. They should be offered counselling sessions so that they can learn how to control their excited behaviour because it’s getting harder and harder to keep them under control. Seriously it’s like a Michael Jackson gig with those students. Yuki’s father explained to her why Kiryu kills vampires, mainly Level E ones just to remind you guys. However after a lot of explaining a new night class student by the name of Maria Kurenai has arrived to by the looks of it stir up more trouble. Her father asked Yuki to show her around and after showing Maria around. Maria is definitely going to cause trouble around the school. She looks sweet on the outside but I can tell she maybe devious on the inside. I think Maria may have a liking to Yuki. Yuki better watch her back. The night class students are getting suspicious about Maria. Kiryu thought Maria might be related to that woman that the vampires can’t speak of because they thought of it being bad luck.

Ep. 10, S1: The Princess Of Darkness:

Who is this woman that Kiryu has a connection with?And thankfully there are less students lining up at the night class gates for once, thank goodness. Seriously it’s getting a bit way overrated. Yuki’s adopted father is tutoring his adoptive daughter in order to prepare her for the upcoming exams, and Yuki wasn’t paying any attention as she’s been daydreaming. Kiryu remembered everything from four years ago with that woman. After Yuki’s father left to patrol, Kiryu continued with Yuki’s tutoring which that was very nice of him to do. I just wished Kiryu would of pulled that trigger on Maria, but he can’t as she turned him and he’s a servant to her. Let alone she’s Shizuka Hio, the woman who the pureblood’s can’t talk about and has an unbreakable bond with Kiryu. Told you she’s devious and a wrong one. Everyone in the day class is panicking about this exam. My word of advice to them is “There’s nothing to worry about, it’s just an exam.” Seriously if I didn’t take those after school tutoring sessions ever Tuesday I would of failed my English and Math GCSE exams. Long story short, people like me with learning disabilities do tend to struggle with Math and English, so what are the options? No after school help or after school tutoring. And thankfully my mum and dad decided that it was best for me to have after school tutoring. After the exams are finally over the day students can finally relax now.But for those who failed means they’ll have to work at the night classes’ ball. Yuki wonders what is wrong with her. Pull yourself together Yuki; you’re head over heels in love with Kaname. I bet as the series goes on and on it’s going to turn into Romeo & Juliet. Toga can really smell trouble with that Maria girl. Kaname has invited Yuki to the ball. But there is one problem…Yuki hasn’t got anything to wear. Better give fairy godmother a call and ask for an emergency Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo treatment. What does Maria want Yuki to do? I hope it’s not going to something bad. All I know is that it has something to do with Kiryu. Since Maria arrived at the school Kiryu’s past has come back to haunt him, which is the moment where Kiryu became a vampire. And that man who accompanied Maria to the school is none other than his identical twin brother Ichiru, who Kiryu thought was long dead.

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