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Cherry Cake

Vampire Knights Series 2 Ep. 6-10

Episode 19 (s2 ep6): The Fake Lovers:

Kaname and Ichiro meeting for the first time? Things might not work between them. I know Ichiro is going to cause trouble. And once Kaname told the headmaster about him Yuki, he’s doing the whole father thing. Kaname’s even asked some of his night class student to play bodyguard to Yuki. He’s only trying to protect Yuki at all cost. Hope after her faint and recovery at the school’s infirmary Yuki will be fine, she should get plenty of sleep. Even if her past keeps her awake. I hope the night class students keep a watchful eye on Yuki or else Ichiro will get closer to Yuki. The headmaster inviting Ichiro to have dinner with him, Kiryu and Yuki in order to get the brothers to get along together and put their differences aside? That may not turn out alright. Yuki still feels that Kaname is avoiding the subject about her past. Surprised to notice that the headmaster knew what Kiryu’s favourite food, vegetable soup. I really do wonder why Ichiro is at the school. Kaname really did sense that Yuki is in danger as a vampire called Senri Shiki arrived at the school. I got a bad feeling about this.

Episode 20 (s2 ep7): The Kiss of Thornes:

Yuki’s been heavily guarded recently. Senri Shiki and Kaname are related? That’s a twist. Ichiro siding with Senri (who is actually a “rent-a-body” for Rido Kuran). The day class students are so nosey over Yuki. Ruka being attacked by Rido but if it weren’t for Akatsuki she would have been beaten to a pulp. Yuki still wants to about the connection between her and Kaname from her past. I do hope that the headmaster does have the strength to protect Yuki because it is now or never. Yuki sounds like she really needs Zero but from the start she has been needing Kaname for a long time. I wonder what Kaname wants with Yuki. I can tell it’ll be a bity, bity, followed by drinking some of his blood. Shocking alert here: turns out that Yuki and Kaname are… BROTHER AND SISTER!!!.

I never saw that coming!!!

Episode 21 (s2 ep8): Spiralling Recollections:

If Yuki is Kaname’s sister, then that must mean she’s a pureblood? Quite a shocker there. And no wonder why she fancies Kaname a lot. Loads of questions that need answering and lots of explanation needed. In a flashback they looked pretty close. I should be able to spot that because me and my sister Charlotte are very close since the day I was born. And I always know that she’ll always look out for me. At least before Yuki and Kaname’s mother was killed she was able to save Yuki by turning her into a human. Just like Harry Potter’s mother. Love saved him and love saved Yuki. However Yuki was born to marry her brother because no daughter was born into the Kuran family, which means that both their mother and father are brother and sister too. But that’s up to Yuki to decide if she wants to. Yuki has a lot to learn about her existence. Everyone in the night class are shocked with the truth about Yuki and Kaname. Yuki also needs Kiryu. But after finding out about Yuki, I don’t think Kiryu would want to see her.

Episode 22 (s2 ep9): Revival of the Mad Emperor:

I wonder what Kiryu’s going to do, shoot Yuki? But all Yuki wants to do is talk to him because the old Yuki he knew and loved is gone. Every since Yuki reverted back into a vampire everyone in the night class have started to surprisingly respect her by calling her “Lady Yuki.” What is Kaname going to do with Rido? I hope he kills him. Looks like Toga has returned to kill Kiryu. But the headmaster will not show mercy to him in order to protect Kiryu. Kiryu’s transitioning into a level E vampire is spiralling out of control. Ichijo seemed to panic when he caught Kaname doing what looked like he was going to kill Rido, when in fact he was resurrecting him. Kaname nearly killed Rido when he was a little boy. Why didn’t he kill him when he had the chance? But his desire to kill him still hasn’t change but he’s unable to because Rido is Kaname’s master. Which means the Senate wants Rido to be head of the Kuran family. I can tell that a war will happen. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Episode 23 (s2 ep10): Prelude to the Battle:

Yuki can sense a horrible presence coming. And the school is no longer a safe haven for the students and they must be sent home for their safety. Or else they’ll get hurt. Sounds like Hogwarts when Dumbledore was killed. The headmaster refuses to left his dreams of humans and vampires coexist together. But he hasn’t lost sight of his duties as a hunter. And I agree with him. Level E vampires attack alert! Good thing the night class students put a stop to their attack. Yori is thankful that Yuki came to protect her because that’s what friends do. But she’s still unstable. She’ll be stable sooner or later. But she must get some rest. Kaname asking Yuki to leave with him? She better do so because for ten years both Yuki and Kaname were separated, will she let him feel the same pain all over again? In the words of Frankenstein there’s one thing I like to say, “It’s alive! It’s alive!” because Rido has been resurrected. I wonder what happened to Senri’s body? He can’t be dead, really? Kaname is asking Kiryu to kill Rido? I hope he’ll kill him so that he doesn’t betray Yuki. Or would Yuki keep her promise to kill Kiryu?

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