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Wish Dragon review

If you’d think you’ve seen films you think they’re just as good as Aladdin wait till you watch this film as I think it’s just as brilliant as Aladdin:



If you’d think you’ve seen films you think they’re just as good as Aladdin wait till you watch this film as I think it’s just as brilliant as Aladdin.

If you could wish for anything what will it be? For me it would be to have a better life for everyone in the world. But right now I am happy with my life right now because I am grateful for what I have: a loving family and great friends.

Whilst Din was a little boy at school his mother is always late when it comes to picking him up from school. It’s because it’s only just the two of and she’s really trying her hardest to keep both herself and her son afloat. Also Li Na Wang’s dad is always late when it comes to picking up his own daughter. Din’s mother doesn’t mind looking after La Ni when her father is working late. They promised to always be best friends forever. But then one day Li Na had to move away because her father has finally made it big.

As the years went by Din is working as a delivery boy for his mother and hasn’t been to school for two weeks. Then one day he goes to an abandoned sight that looks like it was recently knocked down and he meets an elderly man with a jade colored teapot who happens to be a god. But Din had a hard time of believing him. And since he thinks that Din is pure of heart he gave Din the teapot. Din couldn’t wait to see Li Na again. So far his mother thinks that Din is still going to school and studying. But when his mother found out she wasn’t happy. Someone who is much like Jafar named Pockets (strange name) is looking for the teapot. And he really knows some good martial arts.

Anyways din has been earning extra money because it’s Li Na’s birthday and he’s been saving up for a new suit. And it’s obvious that it has been a long time since they last saw each other and now she’s become a famous model for one company after another. However Din’s life is about to change when he made a wish that summoned a Wish Dragon. OK so when the Wish Dragon named Long came on I thought “He’s not blue. He looks very pink,” grants three wishes. But sadly he didn’t measure up to Robin Williams genies standards. And this Wish Dragon who has spent 1,000 years living in that teapot and serving 9 masters with Din being his 10th and final master is one eager Wish Dragon to get into the spirit world. And just like the genie in Aladdin the Wish Dragon has a set of rules.

Genie’s rules:

1. Can’t kill anybody

2. Can’t make anyone fall in love with anyone else

3. Can’t bring people back from the dead

Wish Dragon’s rules:

1. Can’t time travel

2. Can’t kill (no surprise with that rule)

3. Can’t make people fall in love with anyone

The rules are way too similar.

Din’s first wish was to know how to fight. And thankfully that is a good wish because Pockets and his goons were after Din and that teapot. Din’s first wish was granted as Long gave him some impressive Jackie Chan like fighting skills. He really beat that Pockets’s goons. I’m not going to tell you who really wants that teapot because mum’s the word.

Long is really in a rush and Din has two wishes left. No guessing what his second wish is going to be. And Long is getting to know the world around that is new to him. Even in dragon form he thinks that sharing a bus with the public is way below him. But whilst stuck in traffic in a taxi Din persuaded Long to fly him all the way to Li Na’s house for her birthday and din just wished for his friend back. Long thought that Din was just wasting that wish on a friend? What’s could be more important than friendship? Din explained he entire story about himself and Li Na. It’s going to be a long time before he get his chance to go to the spirit world. So he better have the patience to do that. Din wished to be a prince-like person for 24hrs which includes a fancy suit, fancy car, loads of money and a personal assistant who has to do everything that Din says for 24hrs. At the party Li Na has been bombarded with birthday guests, most of them wanted her to a spokes person for this product or that product. But the worse part of the party was Li Na’s dad didn’t show up at the party. What kind of a father would miss his own daughters 19th birthday party? I bet Li Na felt rejected by her own father and felt sorry for her. Why can’t he just give her a phone call just to say happy birthday to her? During the party Din and Li Na made an arrangement for a lunch date. Origin story time: Long was once a human. He thought that he was the best human ever as everyone respected him because he had wealth, land and power. And some jealous rival took credit after Long died and according to what he thinks about being happy with his reward by becoming a Wish Dragon he didn’t look happy. As they headed home they didn’t know that Pockets and his goons were already waiting for them.

Right now I know what the genie would say “Remember bee yourself” and I know he’s right about that. Din gotta stop trying to pretend to be something that he’s not. And tell Li Na the TRUTH! But during the lunch date Din’s been following Long’s advice. Unbelievable! And somehow Pockets and his goons have already caught up with them. After all the chasing and fighting they managed to get away from them. After 24hrs the second wish had worn off and it’s time to come clean. Long thought that it wasn’t going to end well. However things did go well. Li Na remembered Din, where he still lives, his family and everything they did when they children. I just wish that they would spend more time together. Thank goodness I don’t have a genie or a Wish Dragon because that wish would of came true. When they were children things were simpler back then. But now they’re older and they have to be realistic. When Din made his final wish to be rich, Long showed him what he was really like when he was human LongZhu by expanding his fortune, marrying off his daughters to the finest families, to expand his kingdom’s glory. And sending off his son to win treasure. Only for his son to come back a dead hero. He had more gold, land and monuments than anyone that came before him. But as he laid on his deathbed, waiting for the parade of loyal subjects and loving family, there wasn’t none. So he cursed all those who had forgotten him. he arrived at the gates to the spirit world and waited for a great procession to welcome him. but the god had other ideas by transforming him into a Wish Dragon. Not as a reward but as a punishment. And right they did because Long didn’t know the true meaning of life. And after serving nine masters he kept failing to learn what the true meaning of life was. That is until he met Din. But the true meaning of life is the things that you care about, your friends, your family are worth more than anything that you can ever possess. And no amount of gold can ever buy that. The reason why Pockets wanted that teapot was Li Na’s father Mr. Wang’s business went broke. Doesn’t he miss the old days? Pockets isn’t going to take that teapot without a fight. Even if it means hurting Mr. Wang. Why do I have a very bad feeling that Pockets first wish is to have a hand made out of gold so that everything he touches turns into gold? Doesn’t he know anything about the Greek myth about King Midas and the Golden Touch? In the Greek myth he was given the “gift” of having everything he touches turn into gold. And you can guess that it is the cause of Pockets possible demise and Long’s sacrifice in order to save his friend, giving Long that chance to go to the spirit world when he finally understood the meaning of life by putting the needs of another before himself. But until then it’s a game of pass the parcel but with the teapot. Din doesn’t need gold as he ahs something far more important to wish for.

When Long had that chance to enter the spirit world all he wanted was to go back as a Wish Dragon. On one condition. When he returned as a Wish Dragon, Din wished for Mr. Wang to be brought back to life. Now that is a wish worth granting. Din really does have a pure heart. A diamond in a rough as some people might say.

Months later Din, his mother, Li Na and Mr. Wang opened a restaurant. Long briefly returned to the spirit world. And let’s just say things went complicated there. So he gave all that up for Din. But Din’s glad that he came back. And life was back the way it supposed to be.

My dance for this week is:

'I Turn To You' by Mel C (my favorite Spice Girl)

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