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I promised to do The Dark Crystal 1982 movie review.

But today I decided to fulfil my promise. So here it is a blog movie review of...

This movie takes place years after we meet the resistance crew.

OK so in the movie it's been like a thousand years since the resistance began and a lot has happened:

  • The Gelflings created The Wall Of Destiny

  • Those Skeksis created the Garthims

  • The Gaethim War began

  • The Crystal Bats were created

  • Lahr & Neffi Journey to the Castle of the Crystal to Free the Gelfling Prisoners

  • Jen and Kira were born during the Garthim War

  • The Garthim War ends

But things are not going well for the Skeksis because at the end of the last episode they've gone from many to 10 so they're now a dying race. And I can say the same for the Mystics. But anyways the film opens with the skeksis taking part in another Great Conjunction but only nine were taking part on the ceremony because the emperor Skeksis has fallen seriously ill and is on deaths door. The Mystics were doing their rituals and their master urSu is also dying. Living in the valley of the Mystics a surviving Gelfling called: Jen

He believed he was the last of his race and his birth parents were killed during the Garthim War and he was told by urSu that he must heal the Crystal as that's what the prophecy declared: "When single shines the triple sun, What was sundered and undone Shall be whole, the two made one, By Gelfling hand, or else by none."

Jen must retrieve the Crystal Shard before the next Great Conjunction (he alignment of the planet's three suns) which was being kept by

Mother Aughra.

If he fails the Skeksis will rule Thra forever. Both urSu and the Skeksis emperor die, now I'm not going to tell you guys about the Skeksis emperor's death because it's a bit gruesome.

In order to choose a new emperor a duel called Trial By Stone was ensued between

skekSil, The Chamberlain & skekUng, Garthim Master.

But it was skekUng who won the duel and was proclaimed Skeksis Emperor and skekSil was banished from the Castle of the Crystal. When the Skeksis learned of Jen's existence skekUng sent the Garthims to find him and kill him.

After learning of his destiny Jen set off to Aughra's observatory and retrieved The Crystal Shard but Aughra's observatory was destroyed by those Garthim's and Aughra was taken prisoner by the Garthim instead of Jen(oh no!!!). Jen managed to narrowly escape the Garthims (Phew!).

After hearing the Crystal call the Mystics began their journey to the Castle Of The Crystal, they've spent pretty much of the movie walking like a sloth as they're slow walkers.

After spending the night in the wilderness Jen meets another surviving Gelfling called

Kira and her pet Fizzgig. After introductions Jen and Kira shared their memories by dreamfasting.

They stayed with the Podlings (who raised Kira from an early age as her parents were alo killed during the Garthim War) for the night. But were forced to run away when the Garthims attacked the Podling villiage.

After spending another night in wilderness Jen and Kira discovered a ruined Gelfling city but were interrupted by skekSil, he claimed that Skeksis want to make peace between Skeksis and Gelflings and wanted both of the Gelflings to return to the Castle Of The Crystal with him, but they didn't trust him and refused his offer.

Jen and Kira intercept the Garthims that attacked Kira's village. Whilst trying to free the Podlings Jen, Kira and Fizzgig entered the Castle from the bottom of the moat so that they cannot be seen by anyone. But they were followed by skekSil who offered peace between Skeksis and Gelflings again but Jen and Kira refused again and skekSil attempted to kill Jen by burying him in a cave-in.

After when skekSil presented Kira skekUng reinstates skekSil to his former position and

skekTek tries to drain Kira of her essence so that the Skeksis could live longer, regain youth and cheat death. After Jen regained conscience he called Kira to fight the Skeksis back. Thankfully Aughra was imprisoned in the skekTek's laboratory and she told Kira to call for help from the animals, in response they break free and released Kira and caused skekTek to fall to his death and simultaneously one of the Mystics vanished. Aughra escapes and saved Fizzgig.

As the three suns began to line up for the Great Conjunction, Jen and Kira reached the Crystal Chamber, the Skeksis gather for the ritual that will grant them immortality (NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Jen leaped onto the Crystal but accidentally dropped the Shard; (again NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) Kira threw the Shard back to Jen but the Skeksis' Ritual-Master

skekZok fatally kills Kira (once again NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) Consumed by grief caused by Kira's death Jen inserted the Crystal Shard into the Crystal, fulfilling the prophecy and the Mystics arrived in nick of time. The dark walls of the Castle disintegrated, revealing the structure of the Crystal, the Mystics and the Skeksis merged into their tall, glowing former beings known as urSkeks.

The urSkeks leader explained why they mistakenly shattered the Crystal long ago which caused them to split into tow different species and decimating Thra and Jen fulfilling the prophecy has restored them. The urSkeks restored Kira to life in gratitude for Kira's sacrifice, Jen's courage and ascended to higher level of existence they also entrusted the Cyrstal to Jen and Kira on the now re-rejuvenated Thar.

I thought this film was very creative. The Skeksis are scary looking but the Gelflings are adorable. I thought the puppets were well built and well performed.

Although I wouldn't recommend parents who are reading this to let their children under the age of nine to watch this movie as it can be scary for them. But I do recommend this film to any Jim Henson fan, Muppet fan or if you want to give it try.

The Dark Crystal was to get a theatrical sequel called Power Of The Dark Crystal but unfortunately that has been scaled down to a twelve part comic book series from 2017 & 2018. Unfortunatley I won't do a review of the comic book series as I don't have the comic books.

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