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Cherry Cake


During that week I lacked on blogging because I fell ill with a cold, sore throat and a cough which means I have to take things easy for a while. But I am feeling a lot better now, I have recovered but still going through little creepy but wheezy coughs and I am ready to restart blogging. Also I would like to add that last week on 04/11/19 that I was holidaying in York and blogging on my iPad is a nightmare. So I would like to say thank you to those who read my blogs for their patients.

OK this episode take place not very long after the Skeksis declared war and Deet and Rian are already preparing Stone-In-The-Wood for another battle with the Skeksis with Deet making making bombs with an old Grottan trick whilst Rian is looking through Brea's journal. Deet sure has loads of surprises/tricks up her sleeves and they'll need them but as Rian placed his hands on Deet's hands but she backed off from the moment he touched her. There's something not right about her, she looks to be consumed by the Darkening just like skekSo.

Back at the castle the skeksis are preparing for battle themselves. skekTek was eager to be part of the battle, but I believe his battle skills are better off in his lab, I mean he's got an army to create.

Back at Stone-In-The-Wood Rian and Deet are still waiting for the other Gelflings to arrive, Brea arrived along with Maudra Fara, Kylan, Seladon and members of the Stonewood and Vapra clans. Seladon and Brea explained about their imprisonment and Aughra's sacrifice in order to save them. The Gelflings trained and prepared for battle. Rian became their leader.

The thing that skekTek was trying to create an army out of did have a fair few revival rejections but skekTek somehow managed to find a way to revive it, even though it did create a mess. Back at the circle of the suns urGoh and skekGra were still tending to urVa even though urVa is not quite dead but not alive as the force has bounded him to Thra (meaning Aughra). It also turned out that skekMal is actually alive and well and now will stop at nothing to get Rian.

The Skeksis arrived at Stone-In-The-Wood for their battle with the Gelflings. Rian challenged the skeksis to a dual: Rian VS skekVar, but their can only be one winner so place your bets people, place your bets. Even though Rian had hope but he managed to defeat skekVar. Rian did have some awesome sword fighting skills. Rian won the dual and skekVar was defeated. Even though their were only few but team Gelfling fought hard, Fara gave her life, skekVar begged for skekSil's help but only to be killed by skekSil. skekSil watched skekVar crumbled into dust, now he knows what'll happen when a skeksis dies.

After skekMal arrived urVa knew what he must do to skekMal before he kills Rian by sacrificing himself and return Aughra to life. urVa's death was one of the most spectacular special effects I've ever seen in the series. It was just how I imagined it.

Aughra has returned from the dead.

Thankfully before battle resumes the rest of the seven Gelfling clans arrived including Gurjin and his sister Naia and the Arathims.

skekSo's power of the Darkening was no match for Deet's Darkening as she sent the Darkening back to them. The Skeksis retreated back to the castle and were defeated, the second battle at Stone-In-The-Wood was won by Gelflings. As the Gelflings cheered and celebrated Deet ran away,

Rian went looking for Deet. As soon as he found Deet, she is now consummed by the Darkening. Fearing harm would come to her friends, Deet walled herself away from Rian with the use of her Darkening powers.

Brea found the crystal shard and realised that the Dual Glaive was not what urGoh and skekGra wanted them to look for but the crystal shard. And from that day on a prophecy was made:

"When single shines the triple sun,

What was sundered and undone

Shall be whole, the two made one,

By Gelfling hand, or else by none."

Back at the castle of the crystal skekTek was waiting for the skeksis arrival because he had finally completed in creating an army for his emperor. skekTek called his army creation:

The Garthim.

Unfortunately this is the last blog review of The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance as episode ten is the last episode of this Netflix series which really enjoyed watching and I am hoping that a second series will happen, even if I have to wait 3 more years for the 40th anniversary of The Dark Crystal movie. I would really like to thank all of you guys for reading each of my blog reviews. But I feel that one more blog review is in order. In a few days I'll be writing a blog review of the 1982 The Dark Crystal movie.

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This episode follows the events after the first battle in Stone-In-The-Wood a surviving little Arathim searched for a survivor to take over their mind but runs into Aughra and gets enlisted to help he

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