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Cherry Cake


Thank god Deet was feeling alright (sort of) after the events that happened in her home and thank god that Rian has got upper body strength so that he can carry Deet back up to topside. Thanks to Deet everyone is safe for now. Remebering about one half of the Dual Glaive, it turns out that Maudra Argot has had one half of the Dual Glaive the whole in her walking stick and handed it over to Rian who held it up high like a knight you would find in or on a cover of a fantasy book.

Still trying to save skekMal from death skekTek attempted to drain the essence of

Seladon, Brea and Maudra Fara but was interrupted by Aughra and paid her respects to the fallen hunter and she offered her essence willingly in exchange for freedom of every Gelfling that the skeksis have captured which they agreed.

With every Gelfling released Tavra explained to her sisters that the gag that was pulled has to be believable because if you remember Rian and Deet took a truce to the Ascendancy and the the Aratham that's on Tavra's face means that creature and Tavra have merged for too long and their minds have become one which meant of either of them dies the other dies along with her. The Gelflings took route to freedom through the catacombs of the castle of the crystal but was ambushed by skekVar and skekLach and Tavra stabbed skekVar and ordered an Arathim to harm skekLach. Knowing that death is coming and Tavra about the kill skekVar, skekSil fatally stabbed Tavra and gave skekVar his real vial of Gelfling essence which healed him and Seladon and Brea found her too late but managed to help her.

Back at the Circle of the Three Suns skekGra, urGoh and Hup were still looking after urVa and wondered what lies for them in the afterlife, will they be joined once again or rend further asunder. At the castle Aughra was drained of her essence and didn't survive and skekMal feels urVa feels it too. skekMal was pronounced dead but is he actually dead? I think that the skeksis should of given Aughra's essence time to let it work first before pronouncing skekMal dead.

Fara, Brea, Seladon, Tavra and all of the Gelflings met up with Kylan and he explained to them that he tried to rally the Spriton clan but they wouldn't listen. Tavra is fading fast.

Maudra Argot explained that Rian and Deet must take the first half of the Dual Glaive to Stone-In-The-Wood where she left it 30 trines ago during the Arathim Wars with the task of delivering it to the Stonewood Maudra in their time of need but she arrived too late as the then Maudra had died until Ordon who was a soldier at the time (probably before his son Rian was born) took the Dual Glaive. Argot showed Rian her memory of what his father did at that time via dreamfast and explained that the sword holds strange powers, Ordon split Dual Glaive into two halves after he won the battle, he hid one half and gave the other half to Argot. Deet and Rian traveled to Stone-In-The-Wood via landstrider and Deet's family bid their farewells (again).

Tavra was starting to look worse, Seladon reassured her that Tavra is strong and will survive, Seladon blamed for what has happened on herself. Tavra's last words to her sisters were "Even death cannot break the bonds of sisterhood. We wish we could see each other the way I do. You're so beautiful." Seladon and Brea agreed that Tavra must be returned to Thra together.

Preparations for skekMals body has to be made but there's one problem: the skeksis don't have any rites, no ceremony for such a thing. skekVar and skekLach informed their emperor that the Arathims has turned on them and joined the Gelflings and informed that the chamberlain has a plan which we'll find out in the final epsiode. But I already know what the chamberlain's plan is thanks to the 1982 movie which I will review in due time. Probably after I feel better because at the moment I'm not well. The emperor decided that the hunter will not be buried or burned but to be clad in finest armor and be placed in the throne room so that skekMal will rule be their side.

Once they arrived at Stone-In-The-Wood Rian and Deet found that there's no Gelfling there but found the second half of the Dual Glaive in the crucible. Once both halves of the Dual Glaive were merged every fire from all seven clans glowed blue even the crystal calls for the skeksis. From the flames Rian can hear Brea, Gurjin voices even see their faces. Argot explained that every fire will carry Rians message across Thra and every single Gelfling is listening. But little did they know that the crystal is showing the skeksis what's happening and they heard what Rian was saying:


The Skeksis have deceived us.

Turned clan against clan.

Murdered our All-Maudra.

Drained our loved ones.

Unleashed the darkening upon our world.

And now everyone and everything is at risk.

What was once unthinkable has become ineveitable.


This weapon the Dual Glaive was forged by two halves of a great being,

and it has been foretold to end Skeksis power.

It is now in Gelfling hands.

The Skeksis have sown distrust among us for a thousand trine. Why?

Because they feared what would happen if we were united.

They were right to be afraid.

Join me at Stone-In-The-Wood.

Here we will make our stand.

Not as many

But as one!”

Outraged by what Rian said the skeksis vowed to do battle with the Gelfling, destroy the Dual Glaive and feast upon their essence. Rian told them to bring it on and meet their destiny.

All Rian and Deet could do now is hope that all Gelfling heard and will fight with them.

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This episode follows the events after the first battle in Stone-In-The-Wood a surviving little Arathim searched for a survivor to take over their mind but runs into Aughra and gets enlisted to help he

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