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Cherry Cake


My mum suggested that I should bake some biscuits because the biscuit jar was nearly empty and every time when she suggested that I could bake oaty biscuits and says "you can use my recipe that I already have" and I point out to her (which I am finding a bit annoying at the moment) that I have already have a recipe from my own from that cookbook my mum and dad got me. I feel like my mum has a problem with the cookbook, like being replaced by it and trying to butt in with every recipe by saying something like "try it this way or that way" and I would say to her "you can't tell me how to do this and that. I am following what the recipe says as everybody does."

I remember a scene in the Disney Pixar Ratatouille where Colette Tatou was showing Linguini the ropes around Linguini's late father's restaurant, she said to him this (which has become my motto):

"It is our job to follow the recipe"

But my mum always tries to do something unexpected. But she shouldn't do that at all because there's a chance it'll not go well. Always follow the recipe. We are currently writing up recipes and trying to break them down but so far my mum is breaking them down in her own way and they the way she was supposed to and I'm the only person doing it correctly. don't get me wrong but she's getting better at it, she just needs to write in short sentences. Sometimes I think that me and my mum should sit down and look at the recipe book and I'd be saying to my mum "that's you should be writing the recipe down, not in paragraphs. We're not doing things your way. we're doing it the way we have to do it." mum always stresses me out every time we bake. Thankfully the book gives me less stress and my mum can get on with her day.

let me explain about...

The Cook and Easy: Easy to Read Cookbook

The recipes in the cookbook were made to be easy so that I can do on my own. The recipes are soooooooooo easy because:

  • They're step by step

  • Do one thing at a time

  • Doesn't matter how long it takes

  • Photos and easy words.

  • Everything is measured and timed so that I don't have to guess

At each start of every recipe they have a page that tell you what things you need to cook. You might need help with the recipes if you don't have the things you need. You might need someone to help you buy things if there are things that you might not have in your kitchen. Luckily I have my mum and my sister as they know great places to buy kitchen suppliess such as Lakeland & All Sorts Kitchen Ware in Wakefield Ridings shopping center. But sometimes if I'm lucky something might be sold on the shop floor of the British Heart Foundation.

Electric cookers are easy to use because the dials have numbers on them whereas ours don't have numbers.

I am hoping that when we do our kitchen we get a cooker with numbered dials.

If you have a gas cooker, you might need somebody to help you"

· Change the cooking times in the book

· Change the temperatures in the book

· Put numbers on the dials of the knob

Measuring cups and spoons are needed for nearly all of any recipes. They're an easy way to know how much food you need to put in your baked goods. You can buy measuring cups and spoons at your local supermarket or a kitchen supply shop or a charity shop. Buy one with big numbers written on the handle.

Digital scales have big numbers on and are definitely easy to read. But for some people may need help to learn how to use them. My mum has two digital scales, ones a normal digital scale and the second one is a digital scale jug. I use the normal digital scales for measuring the butter and the digital scale jug for flour, sugar, milk and other things.

Digital timer tells us how long to do something like stirring or how long to leave our goods cooking in the oven. Digital timers are used in nearly every recipe in any cookbook. Choose an easy digital timer with only 2 or 3 buttons. I use the digital timers on my phone as i can just scroll and tap. A digital timer is better than a dial timer as it has buttons and a screen with numbers on it and the noise on a digital timer is easier to here. You don't have to stay in the kitchen, but please don't leave the house! Like I said earlier I use the timer on my phone and I can take it with me to any room in my house so that I can hear the noise it makes.

Everyone who helped make the baking book needed to help learn how to use some of the things in the kitchen to help them learn how to use some of the things in the kitchen properly and safely. So you might need some help start with. After people learned how to use things in the kitchen properly and safely, most people won't need help to cook meals or bake anything, or only need a bit of help. Some people may need help to get the food and things in the kitchen they need, but can cook or bake on their own. Some people may need help to buy food and other things for the recipes, but can cook on their own.

The other day my mum was given by a member of staff from Sainsburys to give me this neck strap because of my autism and it does help members of staff identify that I have a invisible disability.

Some people may need help to open tins and packets, but can do the rest on their own.

Food you need to cook.

See the website to print the shopping list for each meal.

Some problem people have.

I get the measuring spoons and measuring cups mixed up.

You could ask someone to mark with a permanent pen which are the cups and which are the spoons.

I don't understand what a "quarter" measuring cup or spoon is.

Say the numbers as you see them - a 1/4 measuring cup, is easier if it is said "one four cup" rather than "a quarter cup"

This sis the same for a 1/2 measuring cup - a "half" cup. "Call" it a one two" cup.

Or you can colored dots or ribbons on the cups and spoons and put the same colored dots in the cook book.

I don't know how to use a digital timer.

Ask someone to help you every time until you don't need to ask for help anymore.

I don't know how to turn my oven on.

Ask someone to help you write your on your oven.

You can write the missing numbers on your microwave too.

I don't know which dial turns on which hob ring.

Ask someone to help you with colors or numbers to help you know which on is which.

I can't use a tin opener

I can relate to this problem as I'm left-handed.

The openers are difficult to use. You can buy an electric tin opener.

Ask for help to learn how to use it.

OK onto the oaty biscuit recipe:


90g Porridge oats

100g Margarine

30g Raisins

(you can use 1 or 2 spoonfuls of treacle if you don't fancy raisins)

60g Caster sugar

1 Egg

50g Self raising flour

Things in the kitchen you need:

Electric cooker

Digital scales

Eating spoon

Digital timer

Baking paper

Mixing spoon

Mixing bowl

Cooling rack

Plastic box with lid or biscuit tin/jar

Baking tray


Oven gloves


Wash and dry hands

Before you start:

Get out all the ingredients you need.

Get out all of the things you need to cook with.

Turn on the oven to 180 degrees.

Step 1:

Weigh the margarine.

Step 2:

Put the margarine in the bowl

Step 3:

Weigh the sugar

Step 4:

Put the sugar into a bowl

Step 5:

Set the timer for 2 minuets

Step 6:

Stir everything in the bowl

and keep stirring until the timer makes a noise.

Step 7:

When the timer makes a noise

Crack the egg into the bowl

Step 8:

Set the timer for 2 minuets

Step 9:

Stir everything in the bowl

and keep stirring until the timer makes a noise

Step 10:

When the timer makes a noise

Weigh 50g self raising flour

Step 11:

Put the self raising flour into the bowl

Step 12:

Weigh 30g the raisins

Step 13:Put the raisins into the bowl

Step 14:

Weigh 90g the porridge oats

Step 15:

Put the porridge oats into the bowl


add 1 or 2 spoonfuls of treacle

Step 16:

Set the timer for 2 minuets

Step 17:

Stir everything

and keep stirring until the timer makes a noise

Step 18:

When the timer makes a noise

Put the baking paper on the baking tray

Step 19:

Get an eating spoon


put some biscuit mixture

on the spoon

Step 20:

Put the mixture on the baking paper

Step 21:

Put more biscuit mixture on the baking tray

until all of the mixture is gone

Step 22:Put on oven gloves

and put the baking tray of oaty biscuit mixture

into the oven

Step 23:

Set the digital timer for 15 minuets

Come back when the timer makes a noise

Step 24:

When timer makes a noise

turn off the oven

Step 25:

Put on oven gloves

and take the baking tray out of the oven

Step 26:

Put the biscuits onto a cooling rack

Step 27:

Wash up everything

and put everything away

Step 28:

When the biscuits are done

put them in a plastic box with a lid

or a biscuit tin/jar

Eat in three days or they'll end up in the bin.

Well have fun making the Oaty Biscuits.

And as what they say in my favorite Disney Pixar Film Ratatouille:

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