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Cherry Cake


The day started off kind of bad, my iPad mini didn’t turn on as the night before I was trying to update Sims Freeplay app. I told my mum about it and I ended up having an anxiety attack and she tried to get it going by plugging it in and still it didn’t work so she decided to plug it into our computer and it tried but didn’t work and I said that we could restart and restore it which is what we did and it worked, but I had the iPad mini for six years so I believed it was time to me an iPad Mini 4 as soon as the new iPad comes out as my mum and dad had told me that once the new iPad comes out the price for the iPad Mini 4 will reduce, so that’s what I wanted to do even if my iPad Mini doesn’t go funny. Buy a new iPad Mini before something happens.

Anyways whilst all of the app were being added and updated back onto my iPad Mini I went out to a Luv2MeetU event at Nando’s. The event was to celebrate my friend Sarah Pashley’s birthday. I arrived fifteen minuets early before everyone else arrived because I live near the restaurant and I walked there as everyone else apart from Sarah (who arrived late due to an appointment that she had to attend) arrived by Wakefield City Bus down to Cathedral Retail Park. I took shelter from the stormy wind and rain in front of Cineworld and listened to some music that I have on my phone whilst I waited for everyone else to arrive. As soon as he bus arrived I spotted Donna getting off the bus along with everyone else who attended the event and she waved at me just to say that they’re here and I waved back. I did tell Donna about my morning as I already mentioned before as we were heading into the restaurant.

As soon as the waitress showed us to our table we looked at the menu and decided what each of us were going to have but I have already decided what I was going to eat and wrote it down in a mini notebook prior to the event because Nando’s does have a website and I looked at the menu there. This is what I had:

3 Chicken Wings (+2 regular sides): £7.45:

· Lemon & Herb

· Regular Chips

· Regular Corn On Cob

Bottomless Coca-Cola: £2.80

Total price: £10.25 (Not a bad price)

Sarah arrived as we were all eating but then again arriving late is understandable if you have prior commitment.

My review of Nando’s is that the staff there are very friendly & patient, the atmosphere was very relaxed, brilliant and uplifting music which made me want to get and dance. Even though I have been to Nando’s multiple times and the food there is fantastic (photo as proof) and I love the way they cook their foods, Portuguese style. I recommend Nando’s big time because you can either eat with friends or order a takeaway there.

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