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Cherry Cake


Last year on Wednesday 8th January I had an appointment with an occupational therapist and a social worker. They showed me a cookbook that is designed specifically for people with any learning disabilities. These cookbooks help people like me make something by breaking down the recipes into easier steps. When I bake something my mum would tell me what to do and what to get out as reading a recipe book such as a Mary Berry cookbook is a struggle for me to understand. For example: my mum reads a recipe and knows what to do first, whereas me when I read a recipe book it looks cryptic and I never understand on what I have to do first. So when I had my second appointment with my social worker she brought some of the cookbooks that we talked about and me and my mum agreed that these books look like a good idea. But dad wasn't too sure about it. Anyways I asked my dad to order one of the books off Ebay and two days ago the cookbook we ordered arrived in the post along with a left-handed knife because I'm left-handed and I struggle to cut my steaks with a normal knife.

We looked through which cookbook is best for me and we decided that the baking one is more suitable because it has got more recipes than the other books.

Each of the recipes have been broken down and made it easier for me to understand.

After we got home from Dewsbury today I got out all of the utensils and the ingredients I need. I did expect that my mum would be supervising me throughout the whole process but instead she got on with her tasks and priorities. Leaving me to do this all on my own.

And OMG!!! I cannot believe I baked buns all by myself. What an achievement. I feel so proud of myself.

I can't wait to bake more buns in future. It was more fun baking buns without my mum present.

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