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Cherry Cake

26/05/21: A day out with my friend

Me and my friend Becksy finally went bowling. We were supposed to go bowling back in March 2020, but then lockdown happened. And we have to wait a long time for our bowling trip to happen. However a couple of weeks before 26/05/21 Becksy asked me if I was doing anything on that day and thankfully I didn't have anything planned for most of the day. So she suggested that we go bowling and have lunch at Pizza Hut. And then she asked if I was doing anything on 9th June (her birthday) and I suggested to her that we go to the cinema and Kitty Cafe for lunch. But you can guess that I agreed to bowling and she agreed to cinema and kitty cafe.

Anyways after my morning doing the Members quiz with Luv2MeetU I got myself ready to get the 110 bus to Leeds. The journey was pleasant and sort of nerve wrecking as I haven't been on a bus for a long time. As matter of fact since summer last year. So I guess you can say it was worth the wait.

Both Becksy and I met up in Leeds bus station and we hugged each other (safely) as we haven't seen each other. And then we got another bus to take us to Cardigan Fields where Hollywood Bowls and Pizza Hut are. As soon as we arrived a bit too early for Pizza Hut we walked around Cardigan Fields for a bit before we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. But once we were seated at our table we began to order our lunch. We went for the bottomless buffet. Thin crust bbq americano pizza, small pan bbq americano pizza, garlic breadstick bites, garlic bread with cheese, a bowl of salad and 2 pepsi's. And boy did we stuff our faces with pizza till our bellies were full.

Afterwards we went bowling and we went for a deal they were having. 2 games and a drink each. After we paid for our 2 games we got a voucher for our drinks. We both each drank a glass of coca-cola. When I go bowling with friends there can only be one rule: there are no winners or losers. It was a complete successful and excitement day. And I can't wait for the next one.

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