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Cherry Cake

2nd Luv2MeetU event since March 2020: Royal Armouries/3rd Trip to Leeds Straight

Just in case you're confused with the title, yesterday I went on a shopping trip to Leeds with my mum. So this week I spent most of it in Leeds since Tuesday. I can now understand why my sister used to go to work in Leeds five days a week now. So anyways on with today's exciting Luv2MeetU event.

When I was looking through the events flyer for this month I chose 2 events that I normally go on and that's bowling (that's next week's event) and pizza hut. However I fancied going on an event that I've never been on yet let alone never been to before. Today I went to the Royal Armouries museum in Leeds. I have never ever been to Royal Armouries before. I have been to York Army Museum back in 2015 but this certainly takes that cake. I didn't see all of the exhibits at the Royal Armouries because I didn't realize how tall the museum was and how many floors their were as I have a fear of heights. However my favorite part of the event was watching the Tudor Sword fighting combat demo. It was exciting, entertaining and hilarious especially when both of the experts names were Andrew. Watching these combat demos really did give Horrible Histories a run for it's money.

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