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Cherry Cake

Chocolate Corn Flake Cake 03/05/20

On Saturday the 19th April 2020 I decided to give making rice crispy a go and I found it way too easy to make. On this day I made chocolate corn flake cake


90g Cornflakes

1 whole chocolate

1 1/2 chocolate bar

For decoration:

Cadburys milk chocolate mini eggs for decoration


Mixing bowl & liner

Small bowl

Rubber spatular or spoon

Weighing scale


Cake tin



Step 1. Break a whole chocolate bar and half a chocolate bar into a mixing bowl.

Step 2. Put the bowl of chocolate into a microwave for 30 seconds.

Step 3. When the microwave beeps take the bowl of chocolate out of the microwave and stir.

Step 4. Put it back in microwave for another 30 seconds.

Step 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the chocolate is nearly melted.

Step 6. Once the chocolate is nearly melted stir the chocolate and leave it to cool for a bit.

Step 7. Weigh 90g of cornflakes into a small bowl.

Step 8. Pour cornflakes into the mixing bowl a bit at a time and stir the cornflakes into the chocolate until all of cornflakes are covered in chocolate.

Step 9. Place the mixture into a cake tin.

Step 10. Using the back of a mixing spoon spread the chocolate covered cornflakes up to the edges of the cake tin.

Step 11. Place the cornflake cake into a fridge for 4 or 6 hours until set.

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