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Cherry Cake

Filey 19/04/22-02/05/22


We arrived in Filey on Tuesday after I attended a lunch event with Luv2MeetU at Belluccis Italian Restaurant (again). But after the event I met up with my mum and dad and we set off for Filey.


Me and my mum moved my bed an£ furniture around just to see whether I like it or not as since I have autism I’m not really keen on changes. However when I woke up on 21/04/22 I had a Cheshire Cat grin on my face

because it turns out that I really like it where we put my bed. Bearing in mind we have a year suspension on our cottage so that moving my bedroom furniture gives us a physical intention of where my furniture could possibly look like.


We mostly celebrated my mum’s 63rd birthday. I baked mum her birthday cake and bought her a small tub of coffee mocha ice cream. The film we watched on 22nd April was The Three Musketeer. Really good film, must get the novel.

Rest of our stay:

Unfortunately this blog entry is a short one because me, my mum and dad came down with a cold which meant we didn’t do the things we planned to do. And due to our illness I won’t be blogging till I’m fully recovered. And I only managed to dance on Monday. But I’m hoping to resume next week.

However on Monday 02/05/22 before we returned home I did manage to take a walk and saw a giant 16ft tall puppet girl washed up on Filey Beach. The art project is called 'The Odyssey - An Epic Adventure on the Yorkshire Coast’, it tells the story of a lost lonely teenage girl who survived the trojan war between Greece and the people of Troy of Greek Mythology. After being rescued she realised that she's lost and felt frightened and alone and everyone and those who rescued her treated her with kindness.

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