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Cherry Cake

Fork Biscuits recipe

I think today was one of those days when you want to get your hands dirty let alone greasy with butter. I originally wanted to make some some mini cakes for a friend of my dad and my next door neighbour because on Monday it's my 31st birthday but my mum talked me out of it. So I decided to make some fork biscuits for a change as I never made them before (at least I think I did).

Here's the recipe:

Fork biscuits


250g butter

125g Sugar

300g Self-raising flour


Mixing bowl


Weighing scales

Baking trays and liners


Mug of cold water

Large measuring spoon

Before you start: Take the butter out of the fridge and leave for an hour. Set the timer for an hour and come back when the timer makes a noise.


Get out ingredients

Get out equipment.

Wash your hands

Turn on the oven to 160 degrees.

1. Weight the butter into the mixing bowl.

2. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

3. Beat the butter with a spoon until soft.

4. When the timer makes a noise, gradually beat in the sugar.

5. Weigh the flour and mix.

6. Use your hands to make a ball of dough.

7. Break off pieces of dough with a large measuring spoon.

8. Roll the pieces of dough in your hands to make a ball.

9. Put the ball of dough on the baking tray. 8 balls per tray.

10. When you have made all the dough into balls, take the fork and dip it into the mug of water.

11. Press the wet fork on top of each ball to flatten it.

12. Put the biscuit dough into the oven.

13. Set the timer for 15 minuets.

14. Leave until pale golden.

15. When the timer makes a noise, take the biscuits out of the oven.

16. If not quite golden leave for another 5 minuets.

17. Put the biscuits on a cooling tray.

It makes up to about 28 biscuits. That's three trays

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