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Cherry Cake

Marble Cupcakes 17/11/20

WOW! I think today's baking is without a doubt THE best baking I've ever did.

Because not only I did a bit of experimenting (without any test tubes lol)

But I did during the:

All Things Food

L2MU virtual

event that afternoon.

It felt like being on Saturday Kitchen on BBC1. Speaking of which...

Watch out Saturday Kitchen

I'm Coming For You!

So for the All Things Food event I made Marble Cupcakes with a difference.


150g Caster Sugar

3 Eggs

150g Margarine (Olive Spread)

100g Self Raising Flour

Strawberry Essence or and flavored essence of your choice.

Food coloring of your choice


Mixing Bowl





Bun Tin

Plastic box with lid to put the buns in

Mixing spoon (or electric whisk)

Cooling Rack

2 Eating spoons


Oven Gloves

Paper bun cases


Wash and dry your hands

Get out ingredients you need

Get out all the equipment you need

Turn the oven on to 180 degrees

1. Crack 3 eggs into a mug.

2. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

3. Beat the eggs with a fork.

Keep beating the eggs until the timer makes a noise.

4. When the timer makes a noise...

5. Pour the beaten eggs into the mixing bowl.

6. Weigh 150g of margarine into the mixing bowl.

7. Weigh 150g of Caster Sugar into the mixing bowl.

8. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

9. Stir everything in the bowl.

Keep stirring until the timer makes a noise.


Usually when making a marble cupcakes people using chocolate. However I decided to spark things up a bit.

10. When the timer makes a noise...

11. Add a couple of drops of strawberry essence or any flavored essence of your choice.

12. Set timer for a minuet.

13. Stir the flavored essence into the mixture. Keep stirring until the timer makes a noise.

14. When the timer makes a noise...

15. Use two teaspoons to fill the buns cases.

Use 2 and half scoops full in each buns.

16. With the remaining bun mixture still in the bowl add the food coloring of your choice.

17. Set the timer for 1 minuet.

18. Stir in the food coloring of your choice.

19. When the timer makes a noise...

20. Scoop one or more blobs of the colored mixture into each bun cases.

21. With the end of one of the teaspoons swirl in the food coloring mixture.

22. Put the buns into the oven.

23. Set the timer for 14 minuets.

24. When the timer makes a noise...

25. Check to see if the buns are ready.

26. If the non colored parts don't look golden put them back into the oven.

27. Set the timer for 10 minuets.

28. When the timer makes a noise...

29. Take the buns out of the oven and leave them on the cooling rack to cool.

Optional: leave the bun in the bun tin to cool for 5 minuets.

30. EAT THEM!!!

I had a bun with my cup of tea.

And it tasted...


I can't wait to do another demo.

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