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Cherry Cake

Marbled Cupcakes 12/08/20

One of the baking challenges that I wanted to do was to make a marble cake. At first I thought "How do I do it? Surely mixing both plain and chocolate mixtures together in one bowl won't work." But however mixing the plain and chocolate mixtures in separate bowls really helps.



80g Olive Spread

280g Sugar

240g Self-Raising F lour

½ tsp. Salt

20g Cocoa Powder

2 Eggs

240ml Milk

For the chocolate frosting:

200g Icing Sugar

50g Cocoa Powder

80g Olive Spread

25ml Milk

For the plain frosting:

250g icing sugar

80g Sugar

80g Olive Spread

25ml Milk

Equipment for sponge:

Bun tins and cases

Weighing scales

Small sliding measuring spoon

Measuring jug


2 Mixing bowls


2 soupspoons/jug


Equipment for icing:

2 mixing bowls

Weighing scales

Measuring jug

Electric mixture


Knife for spreading



1. Measure milk in jug.

2. Crack eggs into jug.

3. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

4. Beat eggs and milk.

5. When the timer makes a noise…

6. Weigh the olive spread into a bowl.

7. Weigh the sugar.

8. Add the sugar into the mixing bowl.

9. Weigh the flour.

10. Add the flour into the mixing bowl.

11. Add the salt into the mixing bowl

12. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

13. Whisk the ingredients in the mixing bowl on low speed.

14. When the timer makes a noise…

15. Pour in half of the milk and egg mixture.

16. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

17. Whisk the mixture on low speed.

18. When the timer makes a noise…

19. Scrape the mixture with a spatula.

20. Add the rest of the milk mixture.

21. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

22. Repeat step 16.

23. Pour half of the sponge mixture into another mixing bowl.

24. Weigh the cocoa powder.

25. Add the cocoa powder into the second mixing bowl.

26. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

27. Whisk the cocoa powder on low speed.

28. When the timer makes a noise…

29. Put a soupspoon of the chocolate mixture into a bun case.

30. Put a soupspoon of the plain mixture into a bun case.

31. Using the handle of the teaspoon swirl the two mixtures together.

32. Repeat until all the mixture is used.

33. Put buns in the oven to bake until springy to the touch. Set the timer for 20 minuets.

34. When the timer makes a noise…

35. Leave to go cold on a cooling rack before decorating.

Method for the Chocolate & Plain frosting:

Get out ingredients

Get out equipment

Wash your hands

1. Weight the olive spread into a mixing bowl.

2. Weigh the icing sugar.

3. Add the icing sugar into the mixing bowl.

4. Weigh the cocoa powder.

5. Add the cocoa powder into the mixing bowl.

6. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

7. Whisk the cocoa powder, icing sugar and olive spread together on low speed.

8. When the timer makes a noise…

9. Measure the milk.

10. Add the milk into the mixing bowl.

11. Weigh the olive spread into another bowl.

12. Weigh the icing sugar.

13. Add the icing sugar into the bowl.

14. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

15. Whisk the icing sugar and olive spread together on low speed.

16. When the timer makes a noise…

17. Put a dessertspoon of each frosting on top of a cake.

18. With the knife spread and swirl the frostings together to give a marbled effect.

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