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Cherry Cake

Mary Berry's Herbed Sausage Rolls

I made a list of recipes that I want to make myself because when I read a recipe from a recipe book I struggle to understand on what to do as they look cryptic to me. So when I decided to make a list of recipes that I want to make and break them down into simple and easy to read steps. Here is the first recipe that me and my wonderful mum broke down into simple and easy to read steps. Here's recipe No.1

Mary Berry's

Herbed sausage rolls


1 finely chopped onion

Spray of oil

Sausage meat

1 ½ tsp. mixed herbs

Packet of puff pastry


Rolling pin

Rolling matt


Mixing bowl

Frying pan

Cup & fork

Flour shaker

Pastry brush

Baking tray

Cooling rack


Wash your hands

Get out ingredients & equipment

1. Spray oil into frying pan. Turn on gas, turn it down to low. Cook onions for 2 minuets and stir 4 times whilst beating the egg. Turn off gas and leave to cool for 10 minuets.

2. Put oven on at 200 degrees

3. Put the sausage meat in a bowl, put in the onions and mixed herbs and mash together with a fork.

4. Sprinkle flour onto mat and roll out pastry in a rectangle shape.

5. Put the sausage meat down the middle of the pastry.

6. Roll up and cut into rolls.

7. Put the sausage rolls onto the baking tray and brush the beaten egg onto the pastry

8. Bake in the oven for 25 minuets or until golden whilst putting the washing in the dishwasher or in the sink.

9. Turn off oven and put the sausage rolls on a cooling rack.

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