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Cherry Cake

Milk Chocolate Cake 28/04/20

That morning my mum came up to wish me a good morning and asked me to help her with breading the chicken and making a milk chocolate cake. My mum wrote a milk chocolate cake recipe for me that she wrote for the kids at my old primary school Methodis Jr. & Infant Primary school. she used to work in the resource class and most of the student in that class have autism like me and that how she learned that all the signs I was showing when I was a little girl. Ever since I got my cookbook in the post i have been baking non-stop since late February to early March of this year before the lock down came into effect. Everyone in England including my friends have been baking a lot and it's good that it helping us keep ourselves busy.


200g Self raising flour 220g Sugar 2 tbsp Cocoa powder 100g Margarine 2 eggs 150 mls Milk


1 Mixing Bowl Weighing Scales 1 Mixing Spoon Measuring Spoon Measuring Jug Fork Square cake tin and liner


Get out Ingredients Get out equipment Wash hands 1. Turn on the oven to 170c

2. Weigh the margarine.

3. Weigh the flour into a bowl.

4. Weigh the sugar into a bowl.

5. Weigh the cocoa into a bowl.

6. Mix together the flour, sugar and chocolate.

7. Rub in margarine.

8. Measure the milk into the jug.

9. Crack in the eggs.

10. Mix the milk and eggs with a fork for 1 minuets.

11. Add the egg and milk mixture into the bowl.

12. Stir the mixture in the bowl for 2 minuets.

13. Pour into the tin with the liner in.

14. Bake for 45 minutes and check if the cake is cooked with the cake tester.

15. If it’s not cooked for another10 minutes.

16. When cooked take out of the tin onto a cooling rack and leave to cool.

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