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Cherry Cake

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Pie 30/08/20

Can't believe that I've done made 20 baked goods. I might be the next Mary Berry, Prue Leith, Nadiya Hussain or Nigella in near future.

On this day I decided to make something that I've never ever tried before and that is making something that could possibly exist only in America. And that's a chocolate chip and peanut butter pie. It did take a bit of time to make because we kept putting the pie back in the fridge for an hour each time in order to let it set.

But by the time I took that first bite into a slice of chocolate chip and peanut butter pie it was heaven because if I wanted to taste something that's different or from a different country I'd have to wait to go to Disneyland Paris. But not with the Humming Bird Bakery cookbook I don't have to wait to try a different baked good.

Ingredients for the biscuit base:

250g Double Chocolate Cookies/Chocolate Chip Cookies

175g Olive Spread


3 tbsp. Corn Flour

160g Caster Sugar

55ml Milk

3 Egg Yolks

180g Crunchy Peanut Butter

80g Dark Chocolate

250ml Double Cream


250ml Double Cream

50g Unsalted Roasted Peanuts

Equipment for Filling:

Large saucepan

22cm Spring form cake tin

Weighing Scales

Large Glass Jug

Food Processor

Metal Spoon

Egg Separator & Mug

Container to put egg whites in

Mixing Spoon

Glass Mixing Bowl

Mixing Bowl


Electric Whisk


Cling Film

Small Glass Bowl

Equipment for topping:

Mixing Bowl

Electric Whisk

Electric Chopper


Get out ingredients

Get out equipment

Wash your hands

1. Weigh olive spread into the glass jug.

2. Put the jug into the microwave.

3. Microwave the butter for 30seconds until melted.

4. Weight and break biscuits into food processor.

5. Set the timer for 20 seconds.

6. Process on No. 4 until the biscuits are rough crumbs.

7. When the timer makes a noise...

8. Pour in the melted spread.

9. Set the timer for 20 seconds.

10. Process on No. 4 until you have a rough paste.

11. When the timer makes a noise...

12. Tip the biscuit mixture into the cake tin.

13. Using the back of the metal spoon press the mixture evenly over the base & up the sides of the tin.

14. Set the timer and put the biscuit base in the fridge for 1 hour.

15. Tidy up.

Method for filling:

Get out ingredients & equipment for the filling.

Wash Hands

1. Measure the corn flour into the pan.

2. Weigh the sugar.

3. Put the sugar into the pan.

4. Measure the milk into the jug.

5. Weigh the peanut butter into the small glass bowl.

6. Separate the eggs.

7. Put the egg yolks into the milk and whites into a container.

8. Set the timer for 2 minuets.

9. Mix the milk and egg yolks together with a fork.

10. When the timer makes a noise...

11. Gradually pour the mixture a bit at a time into the pan and stir the corn flour and sugar together until all of the milk mixture is in the pan.

12. Once everything is mixed together, put the pan on the cooker and turn the gas down to low and cook, stirring all the time until the mixture has thickened.

13. Once the mixture has thickened, turn off the gas.

14. Stir in the peanut butter.

15. Break and weight the chocolate into the glass bowl.

16. Pour a 1/3 of the mixture in the pan over the chocolate.

17. Stir until the chocolate has melted.

18. pour the mixture onto the chilled biscuit base.

19. Cover with cling film, return the biscuit base to the fridge and set the timer for 1 hour.

20. Cover the mixture into the pan with cling film and leave to cool.

21. When the mixture in the pan is cool...

22. Measure the cream into the pan and mix gently until it is all mixed in.

23. Take the biscuit base out of the fridge and remove the cling film.

24. Pour on the rest of the filling and spread evenly.

25. Put the pie back in the fridge and set the timer for 1 hour.

Method for topping:

Get out equipment & ingredients for topping

1. Put nuts in the chopper and chop into short bursts.

2. Measure the cream in the mixing bowl.

3. Whisk with electric mixer until thick.

4. Remove tin from the fridge.

5. Remove pie from the tin and put it on a serving plate.

6. Spread the cream on top of the pie.

7. Sprinkle with the chopped nuts.

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