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Cherry Cake

Roundhay Park 14/05/22

Hi everyone, sorry for being MIA for a while. The reason was is that on 10/05/22 my dad had a stroke and was taken to hospital. We don't know how long he'll be but he's making progress with his physiotherapy and they're going to keep him until he can walk on his own. So I will be blogging when I can as I need due to the current circumstances I have to look after my mental health.

Anyways enough about that on 14/05/22 I went on a Luv2MeetU event to Roundhay Park Food & Drink fest. I love going to a food and drink fest as I've been to a few in Wakefield and Filey. There were loads of different kinds of food and drinks to try. Here have a look at these 3 Dippa Chickens I had for my lunch that I bought from Caps Off Kitchen street food stall there:

Are they to die for or what? The cornflake crusted chickens were delicious. But the Burton Ale BBQ sauce was a bit of a disappointment, maybe because it had a bit of ale in it. But no matter I am so going to buy more of those chickens again if I see them.

I did buy a couple of food there such as my favorite cheese from The Great British Cheese Company: smokey pepper and garlic cheddar cheese. I bought my mum and my sister lemon and raspberry whoppie pie and I bought myself a cannoli. The guys who sold me the cannoli at Itadeli were really impressed at my perfect Italian accent attempt. We even watched a food demo by one of the Leeds Cookery School chefs/tutors Scott Masey. But sadly me, Kieran and Jason had to leave half-way through it as both Jason and I needed to get the bus back to Wakefield and for Kieran to watch the footie.

I really had a good time because it gave me a good distraction from my dad. We all hope he feels better soon

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