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Cherry Cake

Yorkshire Moggy Cake

Not a well-known local Yorkshire breed of cake but fluffy and ginger all the same, moggy is a distant relative of the parkin cake. Lighter in colour and texture, gingery-brown moggy contains no oatmeal. Ingredients: 50g (2oz) butter 4 tablespoons golden syrup 2 tablespoons black treacle 4 levels golden caster sugar 250g (9oz) plain flour 1 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 2 level teaspoons cream of tartar 3 teaspoons ground ginger 1 egg, made up to 200ml (8floz) with milk 1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius/ 140 degrees Celsius (fan oven)/ Gas mark 2 or equivalent.

2. You will need a greased square 21cm (8 inch) cake tin: the bottom lined with greaseproof paper.

3. Melt butter, syrup, sugar and treacle slowly in a small pan. Stir thoroughly.

4. Sieve flour, raising agents and ginger into a roomy bowl that will fit comfortably into the crook of your arm. Make a well and pour in the syrup mixture

5. Using a fork, and holding the bowl under your arm, gradually draw the thick syrup mix into four.

6. Once as combined as possible, beat egg and milk together and add gradually to the mixture, stirring constantly, until all is incorporated. As the mixture loosens, change to a whisk.

7. Pour into prepared tin and bake for around 40 minuets until golden brown and skewer inserted comes out clean.

8. Cool in tin. You can eat it straightaway, fresh, fluffy and already sticky but it keeps well for several days, developing nicely in stickiness and flavor.

Note: If you don't like black treacle like me and my family do add 2 more tablespoons of golden syrup. If you don't want to melt the butter, syrup, sugar and treacle over the cooker you can put those ingredients in a small glass bowl and put it in a microwave for 1 minuet.

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