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Cherry Cake


OK Seladon has got her head screwed on too tight and ordered her sister Brea, Deet and Hup to be taken away and the the skeksis general and the skeksis ritual master set off back to the castle of the crystal with them, however Rian, Gurjin, Naia ans Kylan watched them and formulated a rescue plan very quick. But thankfully Lore sense that Brea is in danger and raced to Brea, Deet and Hup's aid. Rian, Gurjin, Naia and Kylan managed to stop those skeksis in their path, they got there real fast haven't they? But as always those skeksis aren't that pleased to see Rian. When all was lost to free Brea, Deet and Hup, Lore shows up and set them free, although some of the gelflings were like "Don't hurt me, whatever you are." After when the skeksis left Brea, Deet, Hup, Rian, Naia, Kylan and Gurjin knew that they are all safe for now. However Brea has had enough of the gossip that ever gelfling was spreading around, even her paladin guards whispered the lies amongst themselves right in front of Rian and told them that what the skeksis told them is a lie and they owe their lives to him and once they dream-fast with Rian they and spread the truth about the skeksis and their doings. Back at the citadel Seladon sent the six pieces of her mothers all-living crown to the six Maudras who will return each piece and place them on the crown for Seladon. She must really needed that throne so bad that she even refused to bury her mother and instead cremated her rather than sending her mothers essence back to Thra. When they arrived at The Crystal Desert Deet, Rian, Gurjin, Hup, Lore, Brea, Kylan & Naia set up camp for the night, Brea grieved over her mothers death and Deet suggested they have their own ceremony and Brea agreed it would help her, friends help each other out even at the hardest of time. I wonder why Aughra calls the mystics "long necks" rather than their own names. But urVa did admit that he can't defeat skekMal, his dark half but Aughra knows he will find a way but not without a sacrifice. But if urVa loses then the heros of Thra will be lost. And confidently urVa vowed he will end the hunt. That very same night Rian, Kylan, Gurjin, Naia, Hup, Deet and Brea held their own ceremony, Kylan asked Brea to share her most fondest memory of her mother to the seed he held in his hands so that whoever finds it will know her as she did that anyone may know her goodness, but Brea didn't know where to begin. But then Rian shared his memories of his father, he wasn't affectionate type, Rian was born a soldier but not a son, at least that's how Rian felt. But then he realized that when he and his father fought both the Hunter and the gobbles together, side by side he was both a soldier and a son and every lesson Ordon tried to teach his only son has finally fell into place and his last words to his son were "Be brave" so that's what he's going to do, for his captain and father. Brea's mother was never shy at saying "I love you" to her, but she always gave Brea something tedious to say like "I love you. Get out of bed." That sounded like Merida's mother, Queen Elanor from Disney Pixar's Brave "A princess rises early" she'd say to Merida ever morning. But when Brea looked into her mothers eyes as her light fades away she realized she meant it every single time. Ten years ago on 28/10/09 my granny passed away after losing her battle with dementia and as they sang the most beautiful song I have ever heard because it made me remember my grandparents in this series, the seed was dream stitched, but back in Ha'rar Seladon burned her mother and the seed tha twas dream stitched flew into the wind. At the castle of the crystal the skeksis caught ever guard during the up-rise and imprisoned them so that they can drain their essence and it was also where Tavra learned of her mothers death.

Maudra Fara arrived at the citadel along with Maudra Laesid of the Drenchen Clan, Maurda Mera of the Spriton Clan, Maudra Seethi of the Dousan Clan and finally Maudra Ethri of the Sifa Clan. All Maudras arrived except Maudra Argot of the Grottan Clan, she sent her piece of the Living Crown back as it was typical of the Grottan Maudras. Fara reassured Seladon that they will avenge All-Maudra Mayrin. But does Seladon ever listen to anyone let alone see eye-to-eye with anyone? I can tell that she will eventually see sense. The Spriton, Sifa, Dousan & Grottan clans gave Seladon their blessings and place their pieces they received on the Living Crown whereas Fara and Laesid did not give Seladon their blessings and place their pieces on the Living Crown as they saw her as a traitor to the gelflings and the All-Maudra doesn't have to be Vapra as was what the skeksis decreed and Fara challenged Seladon for the Living Crown; Trial by air and Seladon accepted.

As a new day dawns another memeber called Rek'yr and others of the Dousan clan arrived at The Crystal Desert. They heard the song they were deeply moved and offered their service. Brea asked them to take her, Rian, Hup, Deet, Kylan, Lore, Naia and Gurjin to the circle of The Three Suns but

Rek'yr refused. But I know Brea would somehow convince them to take them to the circle of The Three Suns but he'll take them as far as he can. Good on you Brea! Only Brea, Rian, Hup and Deet went but Naia, Gurjin and Kylan stayed behind.

Knowing that she'll lose Seladon fashioned a new crown and donned a black dress, making her look like a skeksis, Seladon forfiet her claim to the Living Crown and deflied her mothers legacy. Fara had none of what Seladon said about the skeksis nor her mother and vowed that she will become the All-Maudra at all cost no matter what, Fara and Laesid refused bow before Seladon whereas the other three had no choice.

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