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Cherry Cake


When the opening scene came on showing a podling creature going through his morning routine before doing his duties as Aughra's servant I thought "OMG look at that podling. It's so adorable" and I wasn't wrong about that even though he's a bit of a sloppy eater, heck I sometimes spill a bit of my breakfast cereal milk on my pajama top but I don't care about that that pajamas were going to get washed anyways. I remember that part when Jen entered Aughra's observatory I was in awe and thought that it looked stunning. But this time Aughra's observatory looked even more stunning than the last time, the set designers and builders have done justice. When we first saw Aughra lying there in her observatory I thought she never looked more magnificent than ever even the outfit she wore looked fabulous.

After we first meet Aughra the scene cuts to Deet exploring her new surrounding. I like the idea of her wearing a shear blindfold over her eyes because they'll be sensitive at first what with Deet living underground all her life. But her adjusting to her new surrounding doesn't go well at first and I should know when I do new things adjusting to new surroundings isn't easy for me.

Meanwhile back at the castle Rian is still hiding from the guards after they were posted at every entrance and patrolled every inch of the castle when the chamberlain skekSil convinced everyone that Rian murdered Mira making it impossible for him to escape but he can always rely on his friend Gurjin to help him steal Mira bottled up essence and escape the castle in order to take her essence to Maudra Fara of Rian's Stonewood clan. I actually held my breath when Rian narrowly escaped the castle and knowing that he will be safe from the Skeksis. I can always rely on my friends to help when I need it because I know that my friends will always have my back.

Deet did try her best to get used to her new surroundings even though she did thought it was going to be okay at first but she did find getting along with different animals or other creatures hard at first until a podling named Hup who saved her life using a spoon for a sword. Deet and Hup traveled to Ha'rar to warn of the coming darkening. I didn't expect a podling to come and help Deet but it was a surprised to me and helping her find her way to Ha'rar. Making new friends always appear when you least expect it. I am really beginning to like her now.

Brea wanted know more about a symbol she drew in her journal and asked her librarian friend to take her to see the Sifa who tried to use some sort of amnesia potion in the tea he made on Brea so that she could forget about what she has recently discovered. Thankfully she switched teas with him and he drank the spiked tea instead, loosing all memory in the process. Good on you Brea!!!!!!!! But eventually her mother found out about the incident with the Sifa and brea returning the necklace to the farmer's wife and punished her by spending one year with the order of the lesser service. I think the All-Maudra Mayrin reminds me of my own mother as she can be harsh on me. If I was both Mayrin I wouldn't be too harsh on her because Brea was only doing what she believes is right and fair.

When Ordon was informed of his son escape he asked the Skeksis to take leave, find his son and bring him back to be healed as he has jumped to conclusion that Rian is not well I thought that he should of think things carefully and thoughtfully because what he was told was untrue. But soon the news about Rian would reach Stonewood and I hope Maudra Fara would listen to Rian's story.

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