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Cherry Cake


OK I'm going to start this review with why is Brea wearing what looks like to be a jesters hat? Is that what those of the order of the lesser service wear? Somebody phone Gok Wan because they don't suit Brea very well. Thankfully Brea did make friend in the order of service which is a nice start. Brea's first order of the lesser service job is to wash and clean those dirty loving, pesty podlings, they jiust love being surrounded by mud. I was like "Ewwww! Those podlings need a bath. BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!"

How will Brea catch a podling and give it it's bath? Cornering it? She'll have to figure out a way soon or that little podling child won't get a little treat after it has it's bath.

Brea's older sister Seladon is turning out to be more like her mother than a sister to Brea. Thankfully Brea's second older sister Tavra is more sisterly to her and I should know I have one older sister and no other siblings and both my sister and I get on really well over the years despite the fact that I have a disability but both Seladon and Tavra agreed on whatever royal engagements they got, they can be soooo boring.

Deet and Hup seemed to be getting along well as friends. But things weren't going so well Rian as pretty much every Gelfling shunned him which is totally unfair, event though he tried to help a Gelfling family with their wagon but they just looked down on him and turned him away when he tried to explain to them about the fact that it was the Skeksis that killed Mira and not him. Pretty much every Maudra sent out a search party for Rian, even Mayrin sent out Tavra to search for him. Luckily she ran into Brea and helped her little sister sneak back into their castle so that Brea could retrieve her journal and a shiny jewel for the Sifa's assistant Onica but Tavra's right, the bonds of sisterhood can be tested. As soon as Deet arrived at Stonewood the Gelflings there didn't quite welcome her no matter how hard she tried to be friendly with. They picked on and judged her for what she looks like before they even got to know her, I would never judge someone before I even had the chance to get to know them first. It's a good thing Hup was there to defend Deet. That's what are loyal friends are for. I can't believe that those Skesis kept Gurjin all chained up and tried to force him to tell them where Rian is but I knew that he would never tell them, friends look out for each other.

I like skekTek sporting a what looks like to be electronic eye after his eye was gouged out. It really suits his character. But when the Stonewood guard asked what was Deet's business with Maudra Fara he just let Rian go right in and see Maudra Fara before Deet could finish her explanation on why she wanted to meet Maudra Fara all because he's part their clan which is unfair because Deet was there first. But unfortunately the news about Mira had already reach Maudra Fara before Rian arrived. If I was her I would of listen to one story from the first party, then listen to the other story from the second party and decide which party speaks the truth (more likely to be Rian anyways). Rian's father Ordon was already there waiting for his son and take him back to the Castle of the Crystal but Rian was brave enough to narrowly escape his fathers clutches. Parents should believe their children no matter what lies they've been told.

I could tell from the previous episode that Aughra wouldn't be pleased with what the Skeksis have done to the Crystal and all of Thra and saw what the Skesis are doing to the Gelflings.

It's a good thing that Deet ran into Rian when he looks like he needs her help with making a bonfire. He did apologised to Deet about cutting in front of her when he went to see the Maudra and she accepted it and finally she Deet figured out how to release her friend Hup from the Stonewood dungeon. But I wish I knew what it could be.

I can't wait for what's in store for episode 4. How will Deet get Hup out? Will Rian help Deet. Who knows what will happen.

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